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Because without it, the song has no soul. Music can evoke emotions without the use of words. Instrumental music does exactly that.

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Q: Why instrumental music important?
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Why it is local music is more important than instrumental music than instrumental music during renaissance?

yotniinam ketdi ....

What became as important as vocal music in the Baroque period?

Instrumental music

What is the difference between vocal music and instrumental music?

Vocal music is coming from the voice while instrumental music is coming from the instrument. As a result, vocal music can have words while instrumental music cannot.

What kind of music should be used as spa music?

Depending what type of spa would be very important. If it is an Asian inspired spa then you'd likely have instrumental eastern music. The primary consideration is it being relaxing tone and instrumental.

What is the difference between vocal and instrumental?

Vocal music is coming from the voice while instrumental music is coming from the instrument. As a result, vocal music can have words while instrumental music cannot.

What were important characteristics during the Renaissance period?

Even though the instrumental music of the Renaissance period did not equal the vocal music, in terms of quality and quantity, it still played an integral part of the era. Instrumental music gained in popularity and developeda musical form that was distinct from vocal music. During the Renaissance era, instrumental music was written according to specific rules. 1. Improvisation was very important in performance and for melodic ornamentation. 2. Transcriptions of vocal music for instrumental performance were numerous. 3. Instruments were freely employed in the performance of vocal music. 4. Some instrumental forms were borrowed from vocal forms, while others were instrumentally invented.

Where can you purchase instrumental Christmas music?

Instrumental Christmas music can be purchased at most music stores that sell music, such as, iTunes, Amazon, and Walmart. There are even free Instrumental Christmas music available for download on the internet.

What is music that do not have the singer?


What was the music called that was on walle and the apprentice?

That type of music is called instrumental. An instrumental is when there are no vocals in a song.There are only instruments.

What are the characteristic and examples of vocal and instrumental music of the cordillera?

Vocal music is a genre of music performed by one or more singers, with or without instrumental accompaniment. On the other hand, instrumental music is produced by playing a musical instrument. -no examples- >:D

Where can one find Christmas instrumental music?

One can find Christmas instrumental music at most stores that sell CDs. One can also find Christmas instrumental music online at Rhapsody, Amazon and iTunes.

What does NZ music have in common to US music?

karaoke and instrumental music