The reason radio has survived all these years, despite the enormous appeal of television is because there is a need for the radio. Radio is mostly listened to in the car, where you don't need to focus on what is happening on the screen.
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Stan Freberg explained it best, more than 30 years ago:
Because on radio, you can have the whole Royal Canadian Air Force tow a twenty-ton
cherry into position and then drop it into Lake Michigan which has been drained and
filled with Hot Chocolate for the occasion, to the amazement of the crowd of 30,000
cheering Americans lining the shore of the lake. But you can't do that on television.
Television takes you into a world that's as big as your TV screen. But radio takes you
into a world that's as big as your imagination, where you find everything that you ...
nobody else ... most love, hate, fear, and wish for.
Adults 18 to 35
The Simpsons has earned the accolades of the longest running prime time scripted comedy,the longest running animated program in the U.S. & the longest running prime time American sitcom but it isn't remotely close to simply being 'the longest running TV show'.Meet the Press started in November 6, 1947 & continues today.There are many more shows in America & worldwide that have lasted longer than The Simpsons, some lasting decades longer w/ thousands of episodes & some that are still on the air today.For additional information, See the provided Links
The owners of the television series had died a couple of years ago and so i think that hannah-barbra cartoons will start to disappear over time, and i am very sad that they stopped playing scooby doo that was my only TV show that i watch when i was little. and my favorite.
The rhymes of Discover Card commercials don't insult the intelligence of anyone? They are for children. Children don't have credit cards. Who are they aiming those childish commercial rhymes at? It tells me that Discover Card Corp. thinks their customers have the intelligence and maturity of children. I would never buy a credit card machine to process and accept Discover Cards in my office. It is bad enough that a local television producer admitted that he was prohibited from airing anything that was not understandable to a 14-year-old. Those commercials appeal to grade schoolers. They are sinking the already deplorable standard even lower. Get rid of those childish commercials, Discover! Credit your customers and audience as having adult intelligence and judgment. Very many television advertisements are on the same juvenile level. You are the worst.
Gay. Proclaimed straight for audience appeal.
Final Appeal - 1993 TV is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:13 Iceland:12 USA:PG-13
Final Appeal - 1993 TV was released on: USA: 26 September 1993 Germany: 15 September 1994
Royal Children's Hospital Good Friday Appeal 2004 - 2004 TV is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G
Probably the first politician to develop a successful media image was John F Kennedy. If you can, look at highlights of his televised debates with Richard Nixon to see how he used television to appeal to the voters.
Snob appeal
African Americans
The most important type of media used during elections is the Internet and television. Television and the Internet appeal right to the voters, so these media types have an more profound effect. Also television and media have an visual appeal that radio, and newspaper may not have.
The Avengers
Glittering generalities and emotional appeal.
I know the UK has it in concordance with the Comic Relief appeal on TV. :)
snob appeal.
It was women's ski jumping.