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Odd question. Women do, in general, like sex. As do men, in general.
every women likes it . except those who have not experienced, pleasure, and her demands requests, urges and bargains are pushed aside and fulfills his own thirst irrespective of torture to woman. such category will hate it.
They do, just not with you.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Because it is an awkard fact which holds that a man and a woman want to have sexual intercourse. Therefore, saying a man wants to insert his penis on a vagina and a woman wants a penis inserted on her vagina.

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if you ae asking this question you dont need to be having sex. You need to have the sex talk with your parents.

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Well i can think of a few thing : - they dont like when you say "you remind me of my mother" during sex. - they dont like if you smoke during sex. - they dont like if you ask them their name during sex. and they dont like it when you tell them to hurry up cause yoour wife will be home any minute :)))

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he doesent trust you beause hes afraid of commit to you but i dont sugest sleeping with him like other people sex is not the answere. my friend had sex and he dumped her so i dont think sex will do anygood ^^

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if you dont know by tomorrow you should ask your mom or dad by yelling "i wanna know sex!"

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It means that you like to have sex a lot! Like everyday or more then once a day. It does not mean that your with a lot of different people. Nor does it mean that you dont use condoms. It only means that you like to have a lot of sex!

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that's not true or proven its just something that people say

Do most people like sex?

I dont think there is anyone who DOESNT like it.... Human male likes sex more than the human female. Thus the quote: "Men give love for the sake of sex, women give sex for the sake of love".

You know a girl likes you and wants sex how do you go about this?

If you really like her and feel ready then go for it. If not then dont assuming your going out you should be able to talk to her about it if your really worried

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they dont do anything nor they eat anything........they just sex sex and sex