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Sakura cuts her hair because she believes it portrays her as a little girl who always needs to be saved, and she's tired of watching other's backs, so she cuts it. These thoughts are triggered by Kin's holding her by the back of her head while Sasuke, Naruto, and Rock Lee are unconscious.

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15y ago
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13y ago

yes before she cut it when trying to save sasuke and naruto and she grew it out again after naruto left on his three year journey with pervy sage

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13y ago

It does, that is shown in a flash back where she is training with Tsunade-hime, but she cuts it again.

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Q: Why doesn't sakura's hair grow in Shippuden?
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no its doesnt because it is for boners xx (ehem don't you mean bones?)

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No doesnt make sense im an expert