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the major one that is used in the film appears to be a knock off of a Dalton Cupid. I just bought mine tonight :P

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15y ago
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15y ago

Do you want to know why I use a knife? Guns are too quick. You can't savor all the... little emotions. In... you see, in their last moments, people show you who they really are.

"The Dark Knight (2008) - Memorable quotes." The Internet Movie Database (IMDb). Web. 14 Oct. 2009.

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13y ago

They're attached to a home-made glove that he assembled while still alive and this is the weapon that he used on the children that he murdered. It is taken by Nancy's mother after she and the other parents burned him alive.

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Q: Why does the joker in the dark knight use a knife?
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Christopher Nolan, the filmmaker behind "Batman Begins" and "The Dark Knight," says he has no plans to use the Joker in another film. This is out of respect to the absence of Heath Ledger- who died on January 22, 2008, six months before the release of "The Dark Knight." Ledger was awarded posthumously a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his performance in the film.

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Christopher Nolan, the filmmaker behind "Batman Begins" and "The Dark Knight," says he has no plans to use the Joker in another film. This is in deference to the death of Heath Ledger, who died on January 22, 2008, six months before the release of "The Dark Knight." Ledger was awarded posthumously a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his performance in the film.

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not in USA anymore but it use to cost 14.99/Standard 19.99/HD

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Apply It To Your Face And Smear The White Cream All Over And Use Black For Your Eyes Make It A Little Neat And Then Also Use The Scar's When You Purchased Your Makeup Kit From BuyCostumes.Com And You're Almost Done Also Put The Green Powder On Your Hair And Make It A Little Curlier And Now You Completed The Make-Up Kit And Now Your The Joker!

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