Jerry Garcia
SpongeBob has 6 eyelashes, 3 on each eye.
Wesley Magoogan - His playing career ended when he had an accident with a large circular saw which resulted in his fingers being cut off. They were sewn back together but he only has one hand that works properly.
The house elf has a full set of fingers and toes.
I'm not entirely sure... but in movies, theres popcorn in the middle of the 2 people, and while one'sreaching for popcorn, the other one happens to reach too and their hands touch... But theres another way. If it's a scary movie or a scary part, act all scared and grab their hand. I've never done any if these, but they're the only two ways I've ever heard or anything :p
No, We Only Have Four Fingers And A Thumb.
only if the retaining wall requests it. mine requested hamburger helper...
um, i guess you cant order it you would have to buy it at the store. I asked the question of Betty Crocker ... they said that it's never been made. If anyone knows where I can find one, please let me know a few people are selling them. They are a employee only item so a few employees are selling them
he has four fingers he has four fingers
Only one way to find out! Bon appetit!
usually the normal person only have two hands with 5 fingers on each hand.
no he has 5 on each hand
The fingers on your hand!
the only way i know is to stretch your fingers back, it's the only propper way to stretch out your hand. :)
usually the normal person only have two hands with 5 fingers on each hand.
E- left 3 fingers, and on the right hand, first 2. f natural- all 3 left fingers, and the 1st right hand finger. for F sharp, change your right hand to the middle finger only.
A gentleman never offers to shake the hand of a woman. If she offers, take her hand lightly by the fingers, and squeeze only enough to match the pressure she applies to your hand.