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Some say that he dates Lavender to make Hermione jealous, but given that he is a guy, he is completely oblivious to her feelings until she practically jumps him. He dates her because she likes him.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Yeah probably, at first. Maybe because Lavender was the first girl to like him. And give him some attention.

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Q: Why does ron date lavender?
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Do lavender and Ron date in the half blood prince?

Yes, they do date.

In Harry Potter 6 why does Hermione hate ron and not lavender or why does she hate ron more than she hates lavender?

Hermione falls out of love with Ron because he starts dating Lavender when she fancies him. She almost asked him to go to Slug horn's party and before Ron started to date Lavender he stopped talking to Hermione because she had kissed Victor Krum. Then Ron and Lavender stop dating because Ron ended up in the hospital from being hit with a boulder and when Hermione came to see him Lavender was there and Ron started to talk in his sleep and he said Hermione over and over again then Lavender hated both of them.

Who does Ron date throughout much of the movie Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince?

Lavender Brown

Whos is ron?

Ron Ron is the nickname that Lavender Brown uses for Ron Weasley.

Who does ron date?

no one does he just kisses Hermione in book 7! Note: In HP6, Lavender Brown was his girlfriend for some time.

Did ron really like lavender or Hermione?

The books suggest that Ron never really loved Lavender Brown, but instead loved Hermione.

Is Lavender Brown a boy?

No, Lavender used to be Ron's girlfriend. Lavender was a common girl's name in past times.

Why does Hermione hate ron more than lavender or why does she hate ron more than she hates lavender?

Hermione's anger towards Ron stemmed from his insensitivity and lack of emotional maturity during their argument, whereas her feelings towards Lavender were more related to jealousy and frustration over Lavender's behavior towards Ron. Hermione's long-standing friendship with Ron also made his actions hurt more deeply than those of Lavender.

Who does Ron kiss before Hermione?

Lavender Brown.

What happens with ron Weasley?

Lavender breaks up with him.

In Harry Potter 6 why did Ron and Lavender break up?

in the book harry Ron and Hermione were coming out of the boy's dormitory and harry was under the invisibility cloak so lavender thought Ron and Hermione had been together and then they broke up. in the movie, when Ron is poisoned and sent unconscious to the hospital wing, he mumbles her-my-nee and lavender storms out crying

Who is Lav in Harry Potter?

In the movie "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban," the role of Lavender Brown was played by Jennifer Smith. In "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" she was played by Jessie Cave.