Sasuke? He never actually did that when speaking about Sauce-gay specifically. It's because, well, he's a snakey guy. :) Ex. Jiraiya may do toad-like things because he has an obsession about toads.You should see Anko and her kunai.
Bruno Lips was born in 1908.
Although Jabba did in fact extend his tongue at Leia when she was first captured and pressed up against his bulky body, and Leia turned her head and groaned in disgust, we do not actually SEE him lick her - he licks his own lips. Subsequently, during the many times he pulls her chain and forces her then half-naked body up against his own, he again is not actually SEEN licking her. That does not mean it didn't happen, however; for after all, after her capture and his licking his own lips, the camera cuts to Threepio, turning away in disgust, and then to Salacious Crumb laughing. In both of these shots, Jabba can vaguely be heard making unintelligible grunting and/or moaning sounds in the background, suggesting perhaps he is licking her, after all. Furthermore, the official movie novelizations and canon novels explicitly state that Jabba "kissed her squarely upon the lips." Conclusion: yes, he DID lick her, but we just never see it in the film.
naruto doesn't kiss anyone as far as the episodes and the manga has gone. Only his clone kissed a girls in the shipuuden episodes who wanted to drain his chakra by kissing him. naruto kiss soe lady in shippuden i think he kisses sakura
Yes they are real. She had moderately big lips when she was a child.
He never kisses her on the lips. (I saw EVERY episode)
Probably Orochimaru.
When your talking they will look at your lips or they will lick their lips or bite their lower lip.
like... when they look at your lips while you or they are talking or if they look at your lips and lick theirs.. haha i do that... and so do my friends when i saw them with their boyfriends
1. Her lips could be really dry.2. Or she could think you're tasty. ;D But personally, I only tend to lick my lips when talking to boys when I'm joking around... or my lips are dry. Does anyone actually lick their lips when they think someone's hot? That's stupid.
A dog may lick its lips when petted as a sign of stress or anxiety, or as a way to communicate submission or anticipation.
lick the dolphins lips
Dogs lick their lips as a way to communicate their feelings, such as stress, anxiety, or anticipation. It can also be a sign of hunger or simply a habit.
Dogs lick their lips as a way to communicate their feelings, such as stress, anxiety, or anticipation. It can also be a sign of hunger or simply a habit.
most of the times yes
If they look at your lips, lick their lips a lot around you.
Kittens may lick your lips as a sign of affection or to show they trust you. It could also be a way for them to explore and taste new scents.
Well, if you lick your lips alot, it irritates your skin, plus it removes the vaseline from your lips. If you don't lick your lips, try using blistex, I find it helps me and my family.