She thanked the man who painted the names on the wall- he said no one had ever thanked him before so he drew a diamond and had her help him paint it in
Kristy Van Droof's birth name is Kristy M. Van Droof.
Kristy McNichol was born on September 11, 1962.
Tena Runcorn's birth name is Tena Marie Kowal.
Kristy Connelly's birth name is Kristy Albrecht Connelly.
Cristy Aragon's birth name is Violeta Padilla.
Kristy Kowal was born in 1978.
Jon Kowal's birth name is John Kowal.
Mary Robinette Kowal's birth name is Mary Robinette Harrison.
Hayley Williams' favorite color is orange.
Kristy Munden's birth name is Kristy Plencner.
Kristy Hodge's birth name is Kristy Nicole Hodge.
Kristy Sawicki's birth name is Kristy Marie Sawicki.
Kristy Tallant's birth name is Kristy Nicole Tallant.
Kristy Landers's birth name is Kristy Lynne Landers Niedenfuer.
Kristy Lee Lorraway's birth name is Kristy-Lee Lorraway.
Kristy Van Droof's birth name is Kristy M. Van Droof.
Kristy = Kiliki