Eve hurts kids because she has a disease where she will hurt kids for her own satisfaction
The moral lesson in the movie Anak is that mother's are not perfect. The movie also teaches that children need to realize that mother's are people who make sacrifices for their families.
Chip Fields-Hurd, Kim Fields mother.
There are a number of good movie script websites. One of the better ones is imsdb or the internet movie script database. This has hundreds of movie scripts.
It is a great movie that helps children realize that it is okay to be themselves and that they don't have to dumb themselves down to fit in. With hard work, you can achieve good things.
It won't appeal to parents that want bring there children because it's will scared kids and won't be like Mirror , Mirror that is family friendly , This Movie will be PG - 13 for fantasy violence because it won't be a family movie and won't be like to fairy tale that we all know and loved in childhood.
-Love her children
yes its a really good movie for children it's fantastic and fabuluos for children and adults can watch it too it's an amazing movie
Joe's real mother played his mother in the movie. Joe's mother in Goodfellas was Martin Scorsese's mother. Mingia.
A mother is still a mother, even if her children are no longer alive! Mother's Day would be a good chance to be with other relatives, or with friends, and have a memorial celebration. You could remember the good things about the children and celebrate their lives. That would be a nice time to visit the graves if they are close enough for you to do that, and maybe leave some flowers.
i believe a good mother is one that generally cares for their offspring. shows lots of love and affection and protects their children
A 1955 movie staring Robert Mitchum named "The Night of the Hunter". He was the stepfather and Shelly Winters was the mother. A really good and creepy movie.
a good thing
Athena in Greek myth was a maiden and virgin goddess, taking no husband and no lover and having no children.
yeah its good but no children are allowed to watch it there is swaering and sexaul things
The Meaning of Mama Mia is 'My Mother'. There is a movie also named mama mia... a good musical movie.
There are many things that sons and daughters can do to take care of their mothers. Good moral lessons from the mother, will help children understand the reasons and benefits needed to care for their mother.
she is probably the mother so she probably will give good advices to her young daughters