Basically he doesn't like dwarves but he's good mates with Gandalf who likes all the goodies and is not a big fan of Azogh (I think I spelt that right)
Gandalf presents the dwarves in a staggered fashion while telling a story to keep Beorn's interest so he would not send them away.Gandalf wanted to keep Beorn fascinated in his story so he wouldn't notice the large number of dwarves Gandalf brought.
The dwarves are interested in (as dwarves are wont to be) tales of gold and treasure, and Beorn, having little use for these items - - he has everything he needs - - is not interested in material wealth.
They enter in pairs because Gandalf tells them to do it. They don't want to go in all at once, so Beorn will think they were trying to kill him The dwarves must enter Beorn's house in pairs so that, as Gandalf tells their tale to Beorn, each entrance does not seem very imposing and Beorn's interest in the story is built up. Then the group will be able to stay with Beorn.
{| |- | Beorn was off checking up on the story that Gandalf and the dwarves had told him. He returned and told them that he had confirmed the story. Beorn captured a warg and a goblin and after getting information from them he killed them. The warg's skin and the goblin's were mounted on the wall. |}
The biggest warning was to stay on the path. Once they left the path they were lost, captured by spiders and then by the elves.
Gandalf presents the dwarves in a staggered fashion while telling a story to keep Beorn's interest so he would not send them away.Gandalf wanted to keep Beorn fascinated in his story so he wouldn't notice the large number of dwarves Gandalf brought.
The dwarves are interested in (as dwarves are wont to be) tales of gold and treasure, and Beorn, having little use for these items - - he has everything he needs - - is not interested in material wealth.
They enter in pairs because Gandalf tells them to do it. They don't want to go in all at once, so Beorn will think they were trying to kill him The dwarves must enter Beorn's house in pairs so that, as Gandalf tells their tale to Beorn, each entrance does not seem very imposing and Beorn's interest in the story is built up. Then the group will be able to stay with Beorn.
He retains Beorn's interest by introducing a few dwarves at a time, while he is telling his story.
Because he had no interest in silver and gold, and that is what all of their stories are about.
Gandalf proves to be a very good manipulator when talking to Beorn because of how he brings the Dwarves in at very high points in the story. He does this so Beorn would stay interested in the story. I hope this answered your question:)
Bolg was killed by Beorn who was in his form as a great bear. Beorn scattered the bodyguard and pulled Bolg down and crushed him!
To a large rock, where they clearly see the Lonely Mountain Or in the Original book, they are taken to a rock; (Beorn calls this his Carrock), but it is near Beorn's house, which is west of mirkwood
{| |- | Beorn was off checking up on the story that Gandalf and the dwarves had told him. He returned and told them that he had confirmed the story. Beorn captured a warg and a goblin and after getting information from them he killed them. The warg's skin and the goblin's were mounted on the wall. |}
Beorn is a man who lives in the wilderness. Gandalf knows him and also knows he doesn't like a lot of company, so he introduces the dwarves a few at a time so Beorn won't get mad and turn them all away. He is special because he is a skin changer that can turn into a bear.
They did not take Gandalf's and Beorn's advice to STAY ON THE PATH while traveling through Mirkwood.
The dwarves enter the house in pairs and five minutes apart because they didn't want to scare the creatures, or be followed.