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To show others that he does not want to kill alive organisms.

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Q: Why does beorn eat only cream and honey?
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How does beorn look like?

Beorn means "bear," so I suppose the answer is "like a bear." People can be NAMED Beorn without having to phyiscally resemble the animal, though, so another answer could be, "like anybody else."

Are honey bees predators?

No, they are vegetarian and only eat honey, nectar and pollen.

Did John only eat honey?


Does ice-cream makes you fat?

Yes of course ice-cream makes us fat.The cream in ice-cream makes you fat because it's very thick like honey and we can get very fat if we eat ice-cream.

Is there honey flavored ice cream?

There is honey come but there's not just honey

Do horses eat honey?

only if they are feeling sick or tied

When do you eat honey?

You can eat honey whenever you please. There is no specific time you must eat honey.

Is it safe to have honey in your tea when breastfeeding?

Yes.It is only important that your baby does not eat honey before the age of 1. You can eat honey.

Do honey bees eat coffee grounds?

No. Only flower nector.

What does a honeybee eat?

honey bees eat honey

What bees do not make honey?

Honey bees make honey. They live in colonies and store the honey to feed the larvae. Most solitary bees, such as bumble bees, make only a little of a honey-like substance which they eat themselves.

Do bees eat slugs?

No. Bees are not carnivorous, they only eat plant nectar or diluted honey, and pollen.