Imboden Parrish's birth name is George Imoden Parrish.
Robert Lamm (1967-) James Pankow (1967-) Lee Loughnane (1967-) Walter Parazaider (1967-) Jason Scheff (1985-) Tris Imboden (1990-) Keith Howland (1995-) Lou Pardini (2009-)
Tris Prior is the most important main character of Divergent.
Trevor is always in a bad mood
Tris Speaker died on December 8, 1958 at the age of 70.
Tris Imboden's birth name is Gregory Tristan Imboden.
Tris Imboden was born on July 27, 1951, in California, USA.
Francisca Imboden's birth name is Francisca Mara Imboden Fernndez.
The population of Imboden District is 1,824.
Urs Imboden was born in 1975.
Francisca Imboden is 170 cm.
Regula Imboden is 167 cm.
Francisca Imboden goes by Pancha.
Michael Imboden goes by imbi.
The past tense of "You can always make me smile" is "You always made me smile."
Max Imboden has written: 'Helvetisches malaise'
Facundo Imboden was born on 1980-02-02.