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Early in the novel Roger hid behind a tree and threw stones at Henry. At that time the prohibitions and laws of his former life still held sway over his subconcious and he threw the stones wide of his target, although he wanted to hit henry. Over the course of the novel Roger's inate sadism is hinted at and under Jack's rule Roger has increasingly been able to shake himself free of the last shackles of restraint. When he sees Piggy down below him, and knowing full well that Jack dislikes Piggy, Roger gives into the over powering urge to hurt and kill and just lets the rock go, by this time totally freed from any thoughts of remorse or restraint.

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Q: Why does Roger shove a rock off the cliff?
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The boulder that kills Piggy in Lord of the Flies?

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Yes piggy was killed by one of the hunters named Roger who pushed a bolder off the cliff to where Piggy was standing which pushed piggy off of the cliff on to sharp rocks which killed him

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chemical ----------- I consider that this is a physical process.

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Piggy died when the boys rolled the rock. He fell off the cliff and the rock smashed him into pieces. Poor piggy. Pork, anyone?

What does initial velocity means?

initial velocity is the velocity with which a particle starts its journey.