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Because Sal Isn't scared of Spiders

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Leonardo Proenza

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Q: Why does Phoebe say that Sal is brave?
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Who did sal amd phoebe see in the drugstore?

Sal and Phoebe saw Sergeant Bickle at the drugstore.

In Walk Two Moons Why did Sal know that Pheobes mom kidnapped?

She is jealous that Phoebe's mother came back and hers didn't. I think she is also a little jealous of how Phoebe can talk people in to things, and how she can always say what she thinks.

What does Sal understand about that phoebe and prudence don't?

Sal understands the importance of forgiveness and moving on from the past, which Phoebe and Prudence struggle with. Sal learns to let go of anger and resentment, while Phoebe and Prudence hold onto grudges and are trapped by their emotions. This allows Sal to find peace and closure, while Phoebe and Prudence remain stuck in their pain.

How are Phoebe and Sal in Walk Two Moons different?

Phoebe is more dramatic and imaginative, while Sal is more grounded and practical. Phoebe is also more outspoken and anxious, while Sal is more reflective and reserved. Additionally, Phoebe is harboring emotional turmoil related to her mother's disappearance, while Sal is dealing with the grief of losing her mother.

Why doesn't Sal comfort Phoebe when she's crying in Walk Two Moons?

Sal feels guilty about not stopping her mother from leaving, so she is unable to comfort Phoebe when she cries because she is dealing with her own emotions. Sal is also grappling with her own grief and confusion, which makes it hard for her to be there for Phoebe in that moment.

What fact about Phoebe's situation influences Sal's loyalty to her from walk to moons?

Sal discovers that Phoebe's family is going through a crisis, with her mother missing and her father struggling emotionally. This fact makes Sal empathize with Phoebe and feel a sense of loyalty to her as she navigates through a difficult time. It deepens their friendship and makes Sal more determined to help Phoebe during this challenging period.

When did Sal and Phoebe follow the lunitic in 'Walk Two Moons'?

Sal and Phoebe followed the lunatic after he approached them at the market and made Sal uncomfortable. They decided to follow him to find out more about him and his intentions.

What insights does sal have about herself as she tells about phoebe's weekend visit?

Sal reflects on her own feelings of jealousy and insecurity as she observes Phoebe's confident and carefree nature during her weekend visit. She realizes that she has been projecting her own insecurities onto Phoebe and gains insight into her own emotions and behavior. Sal's observations of Phoebe prompt her to examine her own self-perception and relationships with others.

Write a two-paragraph essay comparing Sal's story with Phoebe's story In what ways are their lives similar?


When phoebe's father reads the note from her wife Sal says I had a sinking sinking feeling what does the note say and why does sal react the way she does?

Oh, dude, Phoebe's note to her dad probably said something like, "I ran off to join the circus, see ya never." And Sal probably reacted that way because, well, who wouldn't have a sinking feeling if their spouse ditched them for the big top? Like, it's not every day your partner runs away to become a clown, you know?

Why does Mary Lou Finney say that Sal was brave?

Mary Lou Finney calls Sal brave because he stood up to the boys who were making fun of Mary Lou's interests and didn't let them bully her. Sal wasn't afraid to speak out and defend Mary Lou, showing courage and integrity in standing up for what is right.

How do the Hiddles pass the time on their road trip?

Sal tells Phoebe's story.