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Jacob cuts his hair in New Moon after becoming a werewolf. The shapeshifters all keep their hair short bacause as a wolf, it makes them shaggy, which many find is uncomfortable. Jave eventually grows his hair out again in Eclipse, and when asked by Bella why he is doing so, he blames his crush on her and tells her that she thought she liked him better w/longer hair.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Jacob looks hot with any type of hair

long and short

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βˆ™ 13y ago

yes brown hair for Emmett better than blonde

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Yeah, he has short hair.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Yes. He cuts it.

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Q: Why does Jacob Black have shorter hair in new moon?
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When does Jacob Black cut his hair in twilight?

he cuts it in new moon as soon as he joins the wolf pack.=xxx=

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Is Jacob going to grow his hair out agein after the movies?

Jacob Black, or Taylor Lautner which is the actor, wore a wig in the Twilight movie. He actually has short hair normally, just like the length he has in the second movie, New Moon.

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Taylor Lautner played Jacob Black in New Moon. Is that what you asked? Your question is really poorly phrased and nearly unintelligible.

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go on google and search "jacob black" or "taylor lautner"

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I think you mean 'Taylor Lautner' and his name is Jacob Black on New Moon

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Yes. Taylor Lautner played Jacob Black in "New Moon." He will also be playing the part in "Eclipse."

Who is playing Jacob Black in New Moon?

ITS OFFICIAL TAYLOR LAUTNER WILL BE BACK AS JACOB BLACK IN NEW MOON Click on the related question below to see a list of the entire cast of New Moon:

Is jacop going to be replaced on twilight?

no Taylor lautner (the original Jacob black) will be playing Jacob black in new moon (:

How old was Jacob Black in Mew Moon?

Jacob Black is 16 years old in New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn since he stopped aging when he became a Werewolf.

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Jacob black is in new moon the second one but there will be a different actor