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Ralph hates being on the island, and proritizes rescue to his best ability. However, Jack and his followers make it extremely hard for Ralph to greater their chances at being rescued, by neglecting their responsibilities.

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14y ago

When Ralph is charged by the boar he throws his spear at it and hits it in the snout. Ralph is elated and eager to retell his actions to anyone who will listen. During the re-enaction of the hunt, with Robert playing the part of the boar, Ralph becomes over exited by the re-enaction. Ralph seizes Eric's spear and jabs Robert with it. Then he fights to get close to Robert so he can squeeze and hurt his vulnerable flesh.

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14y ago

It is probably a combination of a number of things. Jack is alone and the realisation that there are no others close by to hear your cries for help, should you need to make them, can be disturbing. There has been much discussion among the boys of a 'beast.' Jack is hunting pigs so it doesn't take much of a leap of his imagination to place himself in the pig's position being hunted by an unknown and unseen presence. Finally, despite his aggressive, self assured nature and his prowess as a hunter Jack is a boy aged 12 on a previously uninhabited island. He doesn't know for an absolute certainty that there isn't a 'beast' and he is after all just a child and as such is prone to unreasoned fears and an over active imagination.

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10y ago

He wants to prove his bravery to Jack, after running away cowardly from the beast in the trees in chapter six.

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Q: Why does Jack feel like he is being hunted in the forest in Lord of the Flies?
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How does jack's feeling of being hunted relate to the littluns in the lord of the flies?

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Where was Ralph on chapter 12?

In "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, in Chapter 12, Ralph was being hunted by Jack and his tribe. He was hiding in the forest, trying to evade capture and survive as the tension between the two groups escalated towards a violent climax.

How does Ralph learn of Jacks plans for him in chapter 12 in the book lord of the flies?

Ralph learns of Jack's plans for him in Chapter 12 when he overhears Samneric's conversation about Jack's intention to hunt him like a pig. This revelation prompts Ralph to flee for his life through the jungle while being hunted by Jack and his tribe.

Why does Ralph runs away in lord of the files?

Ralph runs away in "Lord of the Flies" because he is being hunted by Jack and his tribe, who have descended into savagery. Ralph knows that his life is in danger, and his only option is to run and hide in order to survive.

Why does jack want to be leader in the lord of the flies?

Jack is power hungrey and being a leader gives him power

What does Jack admit to Ralph?

Jack admits to Ralph that if he's not hunted he feels uneasy and unsafe in the jungle as if he's being hunted and something is following him (quote from book) "If you're hunting sometimes you catch yourself feeling as if--" He flushed suddenly. "There's nothing in it of course. Just a feeling. But you can feel as if you're not hunting, but--being hunted, as if something's behind you all the time in the jungle".

What did Jack's father do for a living in Lord of the Flies?

Jack Merridew's father is not mentioned in Lord of the Flies. The novel, written by William Golding, is about a group of boys stuck on a deserted island.

In lord of the flies what does jack use to camouflage himself?

Jack uses clay and charcoal to camouflage himself in the novel "Lord of the Flies." He paints his face with these materials to blend in with the forest surroundings while hunting or performing rituals.

Is Jack older than Ralph in lord of the flies?

Yes, Jack is older than Ralph in "Lord of the Flies." Jack is described as being bigger and more commanding compared to the other boys on the island, including Ralph.

What is the reason for the boys to explore castle Rock on the lord of the flies?

To find out where the beast is. They think it must be at castle rock because that is the only place that Jack and his hunters have not hunted before.