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He did not like the thought of endangering his friends for his sake any longer. He knew that if they followed him much longer, the Ring would eventually corrupt them all, every last one of them (even Merry and Pippin - even Sam!) and he knew he just couldn't do it to them. He loved them, that was why he left them.

He heard the answer from Gandalf:

"I wish the ring had never come to me, I wish none of this had happened."

"So do all who see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."

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Q: Why does Frodo decide to go to Mordor alone?
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Who is Frodo's friend?

Frodo is Bilbo's nephew and heir. frodo- son of drogo. his parents was dead when he was young, so he lived with bilbo baggins - who already went his journey. but when the ring go to frodo, he might have go to mordor and destroyed it. he go with samwise gamgee.

What qualities did Sam Pippin and Merry possess that make them suitable companions for Frodo on his journey?

They are loyal to Frodo. They are very obsrevant, for example they knew what Frodo was about to say when he was about to say that he was leaving. Also, even though they are afraid, they are still willing to go with Frodo on his journey, even though they knew that they will never come back. * Sorry for using 'they' instead of 'Sam', 'Pippin', or 'Merry' too much.

Who told Aragorn to wait at the Inn for Frodo?

Aragorn came from Rivendell to wait for Frodo, and Lord Elrond give him instructions where to go. The Elves know what's happening because they have telepathic powers, or from the Palantir.

What makes sam go after Frodo?

Sam is Frodo's gardener. But just because Sam works for Frodo doesn't mean that they cant be friends. It is more than just a master-servant thing. And the friendship becomes the most essential element and by all chances, it always was. The friend's love they share is so intense and deep it has made people twist them into something they're not. They are not lovers in a romantic nature and they are not homosexual couple.Sam looks up to Frodo as a master, usually calling him "Mr. Frodo", but definitely takes him more essentially as a close friend, also calling him simply "Frodo". Sam is Frodo's ultimate loyal servant and friend, who always puts Frodo's needs ahead of his own. He never leaves his side and risks dying in order to keep it so, forgives and forgets Frodo's mistakes and hurful words that he does/says because of the Ring, and he lays down his life for Frodo; fighting Shelob in order to protect Frodo, and even follows the orcs to save Frodo even while thinking he's dead. In fact he in the first place promised to return to his body never to depart. And he carries Frodo when Frodo can't go on. ("I can't carry it for you but I can carry you!") One simple line between Faramir and Sam put part of the essence well; Faramir: "And who's he? Your bodyguard?" Sam: "His gardener."Frodo from time to time addresses Sam with "my dear Sam", which implies he does think of Sam as his; his gardener and his close friend, whome he highly appreciates, literally letting him know he knows he wouldn't have got far without Sam and repeatedly telling Sam anyway that he's glad Sam's with him. And the friend's love comes up best with him gently kissing Sam's forehead in the Grey Havens, and comforting and encouraging Sam to go on even without him by his side because it was best for Sam; "My dear Sam. You can not always be torn in two. You must be one and whole for many years. You have so much to enjoy and to see and to do. Your part in the tale will go on."Their friendship deepens throughout their trials and troubles on their journey together alone, to destroy the Ring of Power. The journey developes their relationship into that of brothers.Elijah Wood - (the actor who played Frodo in Peter Jackson's live action film trilogy of The Lord of the Rings) - has analyzed on Frodo and Sam;"It is a deep relationship, and difficult to describe. In one way it is a master/servant relationship, because Sam comes from a different class and wants to serve Frodo and be there for him because he is very, very loyal. But more than anything, they are best friends. Despite all of the efforts of wizards and warriors, it is this one friendship that eventually enables Frodo to carry out his quest. Quite simply it is love. it is that unconditional love that says, regardless of what you do or where you go, I will always be there for you."Sean Astin - (the actor who played Sam in the same movie trilogy) - on Frodo and Sam;"...they don't need to talk about what they are to each other, they just are."A fan;"Sam and Frodo passed through hell together and any sense that the Gaffer had drilled into Sam about his 'place' burned away in that purifying fire as Frodo became not Sam's master, but more best friend, brother and even child. Sam recognized fully that his 'place' was at Frodo's side, that they were no longer servant and master, but closer than blood brothers, sharing the same heart and soul.I think it's wonderful that their story can be called a love story - what else could it be called? Yes, they are "more than friends" as the slashers love to say, but not the way they mean it. They are brothers, not lovers. The intensity of their love is the love that men sometimes form in combat, so strong that it even surpasses the love of women and anything else. One fan story I read has Sam never marrying, but devoting his life to taking care of his Frodo. Frodo never went West because he couldn't bear to part from Sam. He still had his anniversary illnesses, but he knew he was loved and he was going to slowly heal that way. Oh, to be loved that much, to be the center of someone's universe like that!"

What did Boromir symbolize in The Fellowship of the Ring?

The strength and weakness of men. He is tempted by the ring, and tries to take it from Frodo. But also has the strength to let frodo go with it. He also sacrifices his life for merry and pippin.

Related questions

Who is Frodo's friend?

Frodo is Bilbo's nephew and heir. frodo- son of drogo. his parents was dead when he was young, so he lived with bilbo baggins - who already went his journey. but when the ring go to frodo, he might have go to mordor and destroyed it. he go with samwise gamgee.

Is it true that Bilbo leaves the adventure in the book The Hobbit?

At the end of the "the Hobbit" Bilbo leaves a note with the ring attached to it, saying that he plans to go traveling. At the beginning of "fellowship of the ring" Gandalf tells frodo to take the ring to Mordor and destroy it in the fires of the volcano. Bilbo does have a few minor parts in the later books but he is an old hobbit.

What is the Meaning of Mountains in Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring?

They were trying to go to Mordor and they had to go through the Mines of Moria.

Can you summarize the Lord of the Rings movies?

There is a powerful ring made by the dark lord Sauron which corrupts peoples minds. To destroy the ring and save Middle Earth (where the story is set) a group of people (the fellowship of the ring, made up of an elf, a dwarf, 4 hobbits, 2 men and a wizard) set out to the kingdom of Mordor where the ring can only be destroyed in the fire it was made in. Throughout the journey the fellowship gets split up while fighting Saurons men (orc's), one of the men (Boromir) dies and 2 of the hobbits (Frodo and Sam) carry on to make it to Mordor while the rest of the group helps them by distracting the orcs and helping save other kingdoms. In the end the ring is destroyed, the other man (Aragorn) takes his rightful place as king of Gondor and Frodo and Bilbo (his uncle and main character in the prequel - The Hobbit) decide to leave Middle Earth and go with the elves to the Undying Lands

Who is Frodo in Lord of the Rings?

In the Lord of the Rings series Frodo Baggins of the Shire is the main character known as the "ring bearer." His job is to take the ring of Power and throw it into the fiery pits of Mordor where the ring was created to destroy it since there is no other way to destroy it. But he must face many dangers with his eight companions known as the Fellowship of the Ring (First book title) and together they must cross the land unspotted, but the ring is so powerful that it can control people by the will of Sauron its creator. Sauron who was killed but not destroyed by Isildur the son of the king had become the great eye in Mordor, and If the ring was retrieved then all hope would be lost because he would gain his physical form and rule the earth by destroying everything with his vicious army's of orcs. Frodo must not fail in his quest with his 8 companions that help him, but, as the ring grows stronger, as well as the army's of Mordor the Fellowship grows weaker and begins to break apart... I'm reading the books now they are pretty good, but I suggest reading "The Hobbit" first then you go before and see how the ring came to the shire in the first place, and then read "The Lord of the Rings" series. Hope you like them!

Was Frodo Baggins given immortality?

Yes, he was allowed to go to the undying lands.

Do kitties like people?

Go to Mordor and ask Seran. He will burn you with lava, but then youll go to kitty heaven where you can ask the great kitties!

What nicknames does James Spector go by?

James Spector goes by Frodo, and DJ Elemental.

What qualities did Sam Pippin and Merry possess that make them suitable companions for Frodo on his journey?

They are loyal to Frodo. They are very obsrevant, for example they knew what Frodo was about to say when he was about to say that he was leaving. Also, even though they are afraid, they are still willing to go with Frodo on his journey, even though they knew that they will never come back. * Sorry for using 'they' instead of 'Sam', 'Pippin', or 'Merry' too much.

Who told Aragorn to wait at the Inn for Frodo?

Aragorn came from Rivendell to wait for Frodo, and Lord Elrond give him instructions where to go. The Elves know what's happening because they have telepathic powers, or from the Palantir.

Why did Sam not get to go with Frodo?

It wasn't his time yet. He had much to do for the benefit of the Shire and Middle Earth.

What nicknames does Alex Machholz go by?

Alex Machholz goes by The Chet, Axel Manhole, and Frodo.