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The vampires in Twilight probably sparkle as a way to lure humans to them as well as their abnormal beauty

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13y ago

They don't, it was Cedric casting a spell.

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Q: Why do vampire sparkle?
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How do you know if a vampire is closer to you than you think?

If they sparkle they are a Twilight vampire.

How do you get to know whether a person is a vampire?

They sparkle.

Do vampires skin really sparkle in the sunlight?

Unfortunatly, vampire's don't really excist. The original Dracula vampire burned in the sunlight, and the Twilight vamps sparkle. If vampire's were to actually excist, then no, they probably wouldn't sparkle. And if Jeremy Warachs Daughter should ever ask, their skin actually does sparkle due to the phosphorescent content of the bathing water in Transylvania.

How do black vampires sparkle?

Hello , I am a werewolf and my friend is a vampire and no they do not sparkle i seen her all you know she looks like a vampire she does not sparkle i am about 11 years old and i know a lot so if you are asking about this well here 1. They do not sparkle 2. You are wrong about all the vampires sparkle and stuff 3. My friend is one she does not sparkle and she looks like a vampire

What is a sparkly vampire?

All vampires sparkle in the sunlight. So I guess the answers would be any vampire.

What series of books by Stephenie Meyer features vampires that sparkle?

The Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer features vampires that sparkle in the sunlight. The main vampire characters, such as Edward Cullen, have skin that sparkles like diamonds when exposed to sunlight.

What are some powers a vampire could have?

a vampire, vamprye, or however which you want to call it, can have many powers. such as, mind control, shape shifteing, telepathic, ect. the list goes on and on. the one thing vampires cannot ddo, the powerful beings that rule the night cannot SPARKLE. yes folks, thet cannot sparkle. tsk tsk. Yours Never, Never More

How can you tell what a vampire looks like?

even though they dont exsist. vampires are fabled to have very pale skin and red eyes. and no, they do not sparkle in sunlight

History of world?

BANG. *sparkle sparkle sparkle*

What is the most likely vampire you could run into?

Edward Cullen..!! He is awesome..!!:P .... hell no not edward cullen blade is a vampire edward cullen is this sparkle thing that likes emo girls that dont know the regular life of a real teenager is...

Why are the cullens so pale?

All vampires are pale - they cant go out in sunlight . In twilight , they sparkle in the sun and in other vampire films they may do other like burn .

What does the sparkle next to a item on gaia mean?

Each sparkle is different. Chance Items have a rainbow sparkle Evolving Items have a blue sparkle Monthly Collectibles have a magenta sparkle Animated Items have a yellow sparkle Aquarium Items have an aqua sparkle Cash Shop items that are stocked directly, have a golden sparkle