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because they like to atracct the ladies;)

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Q: Why do some black men keep their pinky fingernail long?
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What is about half inch long?

> 12.7 millimeters is. > 1.27 centimeters is. > The distance from the center of the last knuckle in your pinky finger to the base of the fingernail is.

How can you tell inches from centimeters?

An inch is longer than a centimeter. An inch is 2.54 centimeters long. A centimeter is approximately the width of an adult's "pinky" fingernail.

Does a long pinky nail have anything to do with witchcraft?

No. Being a life long practitioner of witchcraft, I have never in my many travels (in three countries) encountered any group who used a long pinky nail as a distinguishing mark. I have met two practitioners and six non-practitioners who used it as a personal affectation. There was a time, in the late sixties and early seventies, when a long pinky fingernail was used as a "coke spoon" by some people who indulged in cocaine use.

Which is 1 centimeter long fingernail or pencil?

Which is about 1 centimeter long: a fingernail or a pencil

Who was the girl on happy days that wore black leather pants?

pinky tuscadero Leather Tuscadaro was the black leather girl. Pinky was her older sister of Leather. She wore pink leathers not black and was slated to be the long term girlfriend of the Fonz. The character Pinky was dropped from the show and a few months later, Leather arrived ( from reform school)

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My dwarf hamster's tail is about the size of my pinky nail. How long is your pinky nail?

What is an excample of something a centimeter long?

Your fingernail

Why do some men paint their nails black?

Guys paint their nails black as an accesory, just as some guys have piercings, earrings, etc. some guys decide to paint their nails black because it looks great. It doesn't mean they're emo, goth or scene.

How long will black beans keep?

Cooked black beans will keep in the refrigerator for at least three days. Dry black beans will keep for at least 12 months.

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How long is the longest fingernails?

The longest fingernail ever was...

How long can you keep black beans in the fridge?

Cooked black beans will keep in the refrigerator for at least three days. Dry black beans will keep for at least 12 months.