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Because tapping is fun.

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Q: Why do people tap?
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Related questions

What is tap one?

Tap one is where you pretend to slap people

How Bhutan get water?

Most people in Bhutan get their water from either a house tap or occasionally a village tap.

Why do people tap the top of soda cans?

To tap the air / fizz to the surface

Why do people do tap dance?

because some people just think its fun. :)

Where did tap dancing came from?

No, the penguin in "Happy Feet" did not start tap. Long ago, people tapped their feet to the wood. That is how tap started.

What are the habits that people have when they listen to music?

Tap feet, nod head, tap fingers, sing along

Is there a slogan for tap shoes?

In general, there is no slogan for tap shoes. Most people tried to come up with their own such as "tappity tap tap it's as easy as that" or one simple word like "tappies".

Why do people double tap y in mw2?

People tap double y or 'yy' simply out of habit. It probably originated from someone deciding that it looked cool and it catching on. Otherwise it could have caught on from the double tap y no-scope technique :]

Why do people drink tap water instead of bottle water?

people drink bottled of water because its more healthy and in tap water there is bacteria and has and odor to it. this means its not filtered.

How do you delete messages in Tap Tap Revenge 4?

because it will be some irritating,bad or some people dont like the msage

What if your zombies are not serving people on zombie cafe?

You just tap the zombie and tap on either a counter or table to serve or a stove to cook.

Do South African people have clean water out of a tap?
