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because they're the same people that think Modern Family is a great comedy tv show; they don't know real/good comedy, or any good television for that matter.

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Q: Why do people like friends the tv show?
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I guess a lot of my friends like it.

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''Not in my opinion. Mork and Mindy was the best TV show ever as far as I'm concerned. Now that show was funny' No actually I think friends is the best tv show ever but people have their own opinions. Actually i think you'll find the majority of people who have a television prefer Friends than 'Mork And Mindy'

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What is the friends tv show about?

Friends was a popular TV show on NBC that ran for 10 seasons. It was about 6 friends living in New York and dealing with their everyday, and comedic lives. When it ended in 2004, it was one of the most popular TV shows at the time, with the finale viewed by over 50 million people.

What is the TV show Friends?

Friends was a popular TV show on NBC that ran for 10 seasons. It was about 6 friends living in New York and dealing with their everyday, and comedic lives. When it ended in 2004, it was one of the most popular TV shows at the time, with the finale viewed by over 50 million people.

Do university professors have sexual relations with their students?

Only in the Movies and TV Shows. Like the tv show "FRIENDS" not legally

Is friends the tv show a melodrama?

No it is not a melodrama, it is a comedy show.