Girls laugh quietly and look at Justin Bieber because his voice hasn't broken yet. Haha!
the tv adverts make me laugh or the shop looked nice or i like one off the girls who work there
harry likes a nice smile, nice eyes and a nice pretty face. he also really likes girls with long or short hair, he likes girls that have great personally :):):):)/) He also likes girls who makes him laugh. He also likes a girl who plays hard to get. He did say that he does like girls with brown colored hair.
I'm not pefectly sure but in one episode he said it was some sort disease he had. Or problem he had since he was a kid.
NO because when you laugh you are using your voice. next time you laugh listen
Justin Bieber likes short girls maybe if you would read more about him then you would know. You must not be a true Justin Bieber fan he said that, "HE LIKES GIRLS THAT ARE NOT TALLER THAN HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he only likes short girls because hes so small him self and if he thinks he is going to grow now then he is just plain retarted!!!!!!!!!
They always make you laugh and want to always be around you
I really don't think Justin cares what size girls are, or their apperance. I think that all he is looking for in a girl is someone who can always make him laugh and someone with a great personality.
I think you meant *kind of girls. He is looking for a girl that can be herself and someone that can make him laugh.
I think it is loudly, quietly but i'm not shore.
she might like you it depends somethings are just funny to girls and sometimes they laugh cause they like you
LOL stands for laugh out loud it only comes when people say jocks to make u laugh and have fun my bff always says Lol girls
Girls laugh at boys because they find them atractive. Girls laugh at boys because they find them atractive.
Give him lots of compliments! If he tells a joke always laugh and smile a lot!
If a guy picks on you all the time or always tries to make you laugh or if they always stare at you my advise girls ignore them and they will want you more.
Yes he does. In many interviews he says " I like girls with a nice smile and can make me laugh" There fore its obvious he likes girls who laugh alot.
You don't have to laugh unless you're feeling it. I.e. if you find it funny, laugh. if you don't then don't. It's better to be honest than always trying to fake interest.
OK first of all girls love to laugh so make them laugh a lot if that doesn't work you could always try being nice to her girls love compliments but if they dated you and you still wanna be friends with her then that's a different story.