Because they just got to highschool and think theyre better than everyone else. Im a freshman and I dont think like that. i think sophomores are cooler. :D
Welcome Freshmen was created on 1991-02-01.
72 x 3 = 216 people in the band.
of course! anyone with a name like that HAS to suck. mot just suck but suck ROTTEN EGGS!! :)
Mustard Plug does the Ska version of FRESHMAn
Dream Academy Dream Weavers Four Freshmen
The Freshmen - 2002 Freshmen Five was released on: USA: 21 May 2012
The Freshmen - 2002 Freshmen 5 was released on: USA: 19 September 2011
Welcome Freshmen was created on 1991-02-01.
The Freshmen - band - was created in 1962.
The Four Freshmen was created in 1948.
Army of Freshmen was created in 1997.
Many people say that college freshmen gain 15 pounds. It is called the freshmen 15.
Freshmen Adjustment was created on 2005-03-21.
Freshman is a noun.Did you see the freshmen test scores?
The Freshmen - 2002 was released on: USA: September 2002
My freshmen year at college was not good at all at all.
Capitalize freshmen at the beginning of the sentence and when you are referring to the whole class. Example: The Freshmen Class sponsored the oratorical contest.