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it's to let people kno they're here..they yell sooowooop or BRAAAAAT

cRIPS YELL crrrrrrrriiiiiiiip or craaaaaat


It can be a greeting or a call for help.. FOR BLOODS


WE yell '5oo-WOO' (not '5oo-WOOP', you know nothing about u5 if you think it5 '5oo-Woop') to kall out that we bloods. (greeting, kalling out a rival gang, yelling for help) and 'BRAAAT BRAAAT' lets my dog5 know 5omethin bout to happen


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Geovanny Nader

Lvl 10
2y ago
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Q: Why do bloods say so woo?
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if u mean soo woo dats for blood but me a gd i say soo woo k which means fukk bloods if u mean soo woo dats for blood but me a gd i say soo woo k which means fukk bloods

Why do bloods say so-woo?

it's to let people kno they're here..they yell sooowooop or BRAAAAAT cRIPS YELL crrrrrrrriiiiiiiip or craaaaaat Or It can be a greeting or a call for help.. FOR BLOODS ^^^THIS IS WRONG^^^ WE yell '5oo-WOO' (not '5oo-WOOP', you know nothing about u5 if you think it5 '5oo-Woop') to kall out that we bloods. (greeting, kalling out a rival gang, yelling for help) and 'BRAAAT BRAAAT' lets my dog5 know 5omethin bout to happen -51/50

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woo means woo-wooWoo means to act cute and all that i Butoyi Stire say those what it means

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I would say yes sence im dateing him so ............ yea I wood say so........... oh and he also admitted to seeing a black dudes ALERT WEE WOO WEE WOO WEE WOO (no offense to gays we're just proving a point.) ........if you see this I love you its the facts

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Because Club Penguin babies are pretending to be little and they think that "woo" is cute. The meaning of "woo" is you.

What does Lil Wayne have written on his knuckles?

SWVU it is something the bloods say.

Who is better crips or bloods?

bloodz are more organized then cripz and we stick with are bloodz instead off killing are people that are in the same thang so bloodz are more dangerous and we are getting bigger so watch ou kraps ck all day

What song has the lyrics woo hoo in the corus not blur's song 2?

The Hives - Hate to say I told you so

What song is it that starts with woo what you say?

Jason derilio, watch you say

Is there going to be a movie about the Blue Blood books?

; when someone asked her will there be a blue bloods movie this is what she said ; ; Will there be a Blue Bloods movie? Or TV show? And can I be in it? : : RIght now the rights have been optioned, so hopefully the Blue Bloods will come to the big or small screen at some point. I have no say in anything whatsoever castingwise, but if there ever is an open call for auditions I will let you all know.

Is a blood worst than a crip yes or no?

im a blood but i think that bloods and crips are equal in strength and size, alot of people will say that the gang there in or represent is better and stronger but in my opinion they are equal because crips have kicked bloods ass and bloods have kicked crips ass so yea that's my answer.