Luigi, the driver, did not approve of the two boys due to their shabby appearance. He told the narrator and his companion that better fruit will be available in the city.
no,the movie was dedicated to her because she had died by a driver hitting her so thats why they mention her name
boys boys boys is on the album compromise by TWiiNsSabrina
yes its got boys in so its for boys
The Beach Boys.
The boys were enemies of Mario.
Money, power, danger, pretty things, boys their parents do not approve of, boys their friends are jealous not to be with.
because he didnt like boys!!!
Raylene and Reche didnt want him so he had to resort to liking boys and the caack
Driver insurance rates are higher for boys than for girls because it has been proven statistically that boys are more likely to get into car accidents than girls.
coz they didnt have much lives
because they didnt just want boys
no Nefertiti and akhenaten didnt have any boys together
because she didnt have any chilren who were boys
Roy did not tell his dad about the running boys nickname because he might get in trouble
because you cut them if you didnt cut them it would be the same length