I don't know why it ended but i think that my kids enjoyed it and it had things you should and shouldn't do and it influenced my kids to behave like sunny.
After rehab, Demi Lovato thought that leaving the show would be best for her, so Disney ended the show. Thats why they opened up so random ( Thats the show that was in Sonny with a chance in it) WITHOUT her. Its sad!
The actress who plays Sonny quit the show.
Demi Lovato plays Sonny in the new movie sonny with a chance
Sonny with a Chance will continue as So Random, without Demi Lovato, or mention of the making of the show.
Some mindless behavior has already happened on episodes Sonny With A Chance
Sonny With A Chance
After rehab, Demi Lovato thought that leaving the show would be best for her, so Disney ended the show. Thats why they opened up so random ( Thats the show that was in Sonny with a chance in it) WITHOUT her. Its sad!
Zora's last name on the show Sonny With a Chance is Lancaster.
The comedy show "Sonny with a Chance" was cancled last year.
The Disney show, Sonny with a Chance, was cancelled because Demi Lovato left the show.
So Random!
On the show, Sonny Monroe is from Green Bay, Wisconsin.
Demi Lavato
The actress who plays Sonny quit the show.
Marshall Pike is the boss of sonny with a chance. He is in charge of the kids and show.
Demi Lovato plays Sonny in the new movie sonny with a chance