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When she failed to return his love, Apollo spitefully declared that when she made a prediction, no one would believe her

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Q: Why did the Trojans scoff at Cassandra warning?
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Why did trojans scoff at cassandra's warning?

When she failed to return his love, Apollo spitefully declared that when she made a prediction, no one would believe her

How did the Trojans react to Cassandra's prediction?

The Trojans did not beleive Cassandra. It was her curse to not be beleived by others.

What does a cassandra utterance mean?

A 'cassandra utterance' is a warning that is not taken seriously. Cassandra was the daughter of King Priam of Troy who was given the ability to foresee the future by the God Apollo but cursed that her predictions would never be believed. She tried to worn the Trojans about the wooden horse.

Whose warning about the city of troys dommed was ignored?

Princess/Priestess Cassandra

What is an example of a sentence using the word Scoff?

You scoff! I am not surprised that you would scoff at that. Others may scoff, but I am on your side.

What is the past participle of scoff?

The past participle of "scoff" is "scoffed."

What is the past tense of scoff?

The past tense of "scoff" is "scoffed."

What is the plural of scoff?

The plural of "scoff" is "scoffs."

What does the name Cassandra mean in french?

In Greek mythology Cassandra was a princess of Troy blessed with the ability to foretell the future, but at the same time cursed in that no one believed her. She was not able to save Troy even though she tried to warn the Trojans about what would happen.

How did the trojons react to cassandra's prophecies?

The Trojans generally did not believe Cassandra's prophecies because Apollo cursed her so that no one would believe her predictions, regardless of their accuracy. This disbelief ultimately contributed to the fall of Troy, as they ignored her warnings about the wooden horse.

Who was the spy who convinced the trojans to bring the wooden horse into troy?

Princess/Priestess Cassandra but she was cursed w the prohency of being correct but never believed by Apollo.

Use scoff in a sentence?

The word scoff is both a noun and a verb.The noun scoff is a word for an expression of scornful derision.The verb scoff is to speak in a scornfully derisive or mocking way.Examples:"He delivered a scoff that took the smiles off all of our faces. (noun)"Most people who live in nearby communities scoff at the town's local superstitions." (verb)"The principal would invariably scoff at the faculty's ideas to improve the school.""While many believe that the Loch Ness monster is a real creature, others scoff at the idea."