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because the fifth doctor lost it

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Q: Why did the Sixth and Seventh Doctors not use the sonic screwdriver?
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Where can you get the tenth doctors sonic screwdriver?


Is the tenth or elevenths doctors sonic screwdriver better?

The tenth Doctor's screwdriver is better

How collectible is the tenth doctors sonic screwdriver toy?

Its common.

Does the first doctor have a sonic screwdriver?

No, the First Doctor did not have a sonic screwdriver. The sonic screwdriver was first introduced as a tool for the Second Doctor in the classic series before becoming a staple for all subsequent Doctors.

Does the 11th doctors sonic screwdriver pen have light and sound?


How do you find the ninth doctors sonic screwdriver?

Try Argos or eBay there good for stuff like that

What is better the Sonic lipstick or the Sonic screwdriver?

Sonic screwdriver Sonic the Hedgehog.

Were there any incarnations of the Doctor that did NOT use the sonic screwdriver?

Yes the 1-8 doctors used lots of different tools such as the sonic chisel, the sonic hammer and of course; the sonic Philips head.

Did the first Doctor have a sonic screwdriver?

No. Patrick Troughton, the second doctor, was the first to use the sonic screwdriver, and even then, it was a part of the TARDIS repair kit. The screwdriver made appearances in other Doctor Who episodes with later doctors, but didn't become the Doctor's tool of choice until the series rebooted in 2005.

How can you put the sound in a sonic screwdriver in a custom one?

You can't, the sonic screwdriver isn't an actual screwdriver. It's a sonic alien one. ;) On the show, the sonic screwdriver is basically a torch and makes no sound, they add the sound in later while editing.

When can you find the sonic screwdriver in shops?

The Sonic Screwdriver is a fictional device and cannot be found in stores.

Whose Sonic screwdriver is the future Sonic screwdriver?

The future Sonic screwdriver belongs to the Thirteenth Doctor, portrayed by Jodie Whittaker in the "Doctor Who" series.