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because sasuke knew that sakura would not be prepared to kill karin

but he did not really managed to kill her by the chidori*spoiler*

he just would make a little scratch at her and he just pointed

it at her back if he really wanted to kill her why did he pause

and watch her at first..

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∙ 12y ago
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∙ 12y ago

she didn't want to see him evil and she loves him very much but naruto and kakashi stops her ------ok that mite be it that's what kakashi says but what or who is she really doing it for we don't know kakashi is right she only even considered killing sasuke after she found out he and her were both causing naruto pain. she trys to make it up to naruto by letting him forget about the promise and sasuke. she is also worried about sasuke being in the akaski which we can not forget is after him so sasuke might try to capture naruto but naruto does not let sakura stop him so to ease their pain she try's to KILL sasuke eather because she loves him or she wants to protect naruto or maybe both we don't know if she can decide

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∙ 13y ago

sakura wanted 2 kill saskue cuz she lost all hope for him and cuz she didnt want naruto 2 hurt anymore cuz he cant save saskue

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Mohid Ibrahim

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∙ 3y ago

Cus She is useless lol

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Hulda Pouros

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∙ 3y ago
how did you get that answer

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Q: Why did sakura want to kill sasuke?
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What happens between Sakura and Sasuke in Shippuden?

I don't read the manga, so I don't really know. But... Sasuke tries to kill Sakura so I can tell Sasuke doesn't have feelings for her. How? He tries to kill her when she asks Sasuke if she could join him, but really it was a trick so Sakura could kill him.(?) Before that, Karin was hurt and was on the ground. Sasuke told Sakura, "If you really want to join me that bad, kill her." But before Sakura could kill Karin Sasuke had his Chidori Jutsu going and was going to kill Sakura but Karin warned Sakura and yeah.. Nothing really happens between them.

Did Sasuke attempted to kill sakura?

Did Sasuke attempt to kill Sakura?Well,no,but on the episode,"Invitation from the Sound",Sasuke hits(or slaps) Sakura outcold and lays her on a bench. Though,he was not actually seen putting Sakura on the bench.Also,later in Shippuden,Sasuke becomes more violent and Sakura even attempts to kill Sasuke just to bring him back to the village,but Sasuke is much stronger than Sakura so no one knows.I believe so. When Team 7 found Sasuke with Oro Sasuke was about to kill Sakura because once again she was in the way an if not for Yamato to stop him he probably would have succeeded.Well right now in ch 483 sasuke and sakura meet again.Sakura tells sasuke she wants to be with him but he says she has to kill karin to be with him.She cant decide if she wants to kill karin or him.All of a sudden he tries to kill sakura but kakashi comes in and blocks the hit.So yes sasuke did try to kill sakura again and he did not show affection to her at all.

What will sakura do when she found out that karin like Sasuke?

what is so if karin likes sasuke?sasuke is not liking her it matters who sasuke likes karin or far i don't think sasuke likes knows that all those fan girls of sasuke likes him even her best friend likes him............ BUT I THINK SASUKE MUST END UP WITH SAKURA IF HE WON'T LET HIM DIE!

How does karin dies?

Sasuke is battling Danzou and Danzou is close to death and is running out of options, so he grabs Karin off guard and and holds her in front of him. He basically took her hostage right in front of Sasuke. Sasuke being the way he is with revenge uses his Chidori/Lightning Blade and stabs the both of them. Karin does not die, but Danzou does. Karin is mortally wounded. Sakura tracks down Sasuke and finds him with Karin lying on the ground next to him. Sasuke says that if Sakura can kill Karin, she can go with him. Sakura is seen thinking, "She has nothing to do with this." Then, Sasuke tries to hit Sakura with Chidori/ Lightning Blade while her back is turned. Karin notices that he will kill Sakura, and she says, "Sasuke... stop." Sakura turns around, and Kakashi appears and stops Sasuke. He tells Sakura to take Karin and heal her until she can talk. So, that is what happens. Karin does not die.

What episode did Sasuke run away and sakura trys to stop him?

that is episode 109 and sakura did a terrible job doing that.she thought that she could talk sasuke on staying at the leaf village.but she mostly talked about her feelings for him and how she could make him happy.when sakura is finished talking,sasuke says," after all this time you are still annoying.(hint episode 3)then he starts to walk away and sakura says if you leave i will scream.which makes sasuke disappear behind her and says thank you, and then knocks her out.he puts her on the bench and leaves.that is the main part of episode 109. this episode we make you cry if you watch it in English.

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What happens between Sakura and Sasuke in Shippuden?

I don't read the manga, so I don't really know. But... Sasuke tries to kill Sakura so I can tell Sasuke doesn't have feelings for her. How? He tries to kill her when she asks Sasuke if she could join him, but really it was a trick so Sakura could kill him.(?) Before that, Karin was hurt and was on the ground. Sasuke told Sakura, "If you really want to join me that bad, kill her." But before Sakura could kill Karin Sasuke had his Chidori Jutsu going and was going to kill Sakura but Karin warned Sakura and yeah.. Nothing really happens between them.

What episode does Sakura want to kill Sasuke and why does she want to do it?

She didn't want to kill him in any of the episodes yet just in the manga.

Did Sasuke attempted to kill sakura?

Did Sasuke attempt to kill Sakura?Well,no,but on the episode,"Invitation from the Sound",Sasuke hits(or slaps) Sakura outcold and lays her on a bench. Though,he was not actually seen putting Sakura on the bench.Also,later in Shippuden,Sasuke becomes more violent and Sakura even attempts to kill Sasuke just to bring him back to the village,but Sasuke is much stronger than Sakura so no one knows.I believe so. When Team 7 found Sasuke with Oro Sasuke was about to kill Sakura because once again she was in the way an if not for Yamato to stop him he probably would have succeeded.Well right now in ch 483 sasuke and sakura meet again.Sakura tells sasuke she wants to be with him but he says she has to kill karin to be with him.She cant decide if she wants to kill karin or him.All of a sudden he tries to kill sakura but kakashi comes in and blocks the hit.So yes sasuke did try to kill sakura again and he did not show affection to her at all.

Did sakura kill Sasuke?

No lol where did you get that from?

Do Sasuke and sakura fight in Shippuden?

yes they do sasuke tries to kill sakura but he isn't allowed to because of orochimaru

ÎșÎŹÎœÎ”Îč Sasuke really go to kill sakura?

Yes, Sasuke really tries to kill Sakura. Just before he does, however, Naruto saves her.

Will Sasuke ever kill sakura?


Did sakura try to kill Sasuke?

yes in naruto shippuden sakura was trying to stop sasuke after he killed danzo and sasuke tried to kill sakura with a poisoned kunai

Does Sasuke really want to kill sakura or not?

He never says if he wants to kill her or not. Though he does show obvious annoyance toward the girl.

Does Sasuke and sakura kiss?

yes , no , maybe ........ Sasuke love Sakura this is a real thing Sakura love Sasuke this is a real real thing But , they are not toghether , strange..... But i still cant belive that Sasuke tries to kill Sakura ,this is a very very very sad thing

Why did susake kill sakura?

Sasuke didn't kill Sakura. He almost did but Naruto saved her. And he tried to kill her because she tried to kill him first, but she hesitated.

Can sakura kill Sasuke?

She tries but stops at the last moment.