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If you don't want to read this entire list, go right down to the bottom for the conclusion.

The 4kids dub version of One Piece was extremely critisied for many reasons. Here are just some of the reasons:

Lots had to do with sounds:

Zoro's name being changed to "Zolo" as well as the pronounciation of "Sanji" and "Nami" being incorrect.

The voices of most of the characters just didn't work out well either. They were critisied mainly for the voice actors of Luffy (who sounded like his voice was breaking) and Sanji (who sounded like a 50 year old chain smoker). Chopper's voice wasn't liked much either.

But that's not all. Lots of things were stupidly edited out like:

Sanji's cigarette being changed to a lollypop (as well as Captain Smoker's cigars being edited out completely, leaving his mouth always slightly open in the 4kids version).

Guns being changed to what seems like water pistols or blow up hammers.

Tattoos being edited out.

But one of the biggest problems was that they changed it into a little kids show. One Piece originally has quite a lot of swearing and blood. In the fight with Crocodile, in the Japanese original, Luffy defeats him because his hands are blood soaked, in the American 4kids dub edit, he defeats him with sweat. They took out whole scenes they thought to be too shocking to show children, such as a bathroom scene in the Arabasta arc, where Nami flashes the rest of the crew.

4kids misjudged One Piece, thinking it was suitable for very small children. It's not. However, what is considered inappropriate is slightly different in Japan than in America.

4kids went bust. They made a lot of mistakes over lots of animes (such as Dragonball Z, where they edited out nudity scenes as well, I believe) and editing so much out of One Piece was just the tip of the iceberg.

But if you like dubs over subs, there's a FUNimation version. Although, you'll have to buy it on DVD because you can't download it easily. There are no edits in this version however, and the voice actors are better. Zoro is called Zoro, but Nami and Sanji still aren't pronounced correctly (if you follow the original).

Personally, I prefer subs. I find the original voices much better. Some of the 4kids laughs for example sounded too forced.

In short, 4kids went bankrupt because they tried to make action packed, blood filled anime such as One Piece suitable for 5 year olds.

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13y ago
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12y ago

The Answer Is At The Bottom, But If You Wanna Read All The History On What Happened To The Episodes Aswell, Be My Guest:

4Kids Entertainment licensed the series for an English language dubbed broadcast and release in North America. The 4Kids episodes aired in the United States on the Fox network as part of the Fox Box block, premiering on September 18, 2004. The first 143 episodes of the original were cut down to 104 in the dubbed version. The remaining content was subject to heavy editing. Sanji's cigarettes for example were turned into lollipops, and "the skin of a black pirate was changed to a tan mulatto / white color." In December 2006, 4Kids cancelled production of the dubbed version.

On April 12, 2007, Funimation Entertainment announced it acquired the license for the series. After producing a new English voice dub, the company released its first unedited, bilingual DVD box set, containing 13 episodes, on May 27, 2008. Similarly sized sets followed with two sets released as of September 16, 2008. The Funimation English dubbed episodes premiered on the Cartoon Network on September 29, 2007 and aired until it was cancelled on March 29, 2008. The remainder of Funimation's dubbed episodes continued being aired on Australia's Cartoon Network, and then shifted into reruns of the Funimation dub before being replaced by Dragon Ball Z. Funimation began streaming English dubbed episodes as well as subbed episodes on their website, New episodes were to be streamed an hour after their original airing in Japan, though this has been placed on hold until security issues can be resolved.

Also, Funimation is still dubbing One Piece.

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13y ago

FUNimation is still dubbing and distributing the one piece anime.They release 12 episodes on DVD sets every few months.

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13y ago

They didn't stop per see. They are still dubbing but its not on TV.

Yo can watch the dubbed episodes online. But as to why, I have no clue.

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11y ago

Dubbed Shippuden episodes are still beeing made.

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11y ago

they didn't stop you need to be patient

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