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When Link hands something to Amber saying "it's time", what he hands her is his high school ring. It was all the rage back then. It meant that Link promises to be all Amber's. Like it's official they are boyfriend and girlfriend.

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Q: Why did link give a ring to amber in hairspray?
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Does Link propose to Amber in Hairspray?

link doesn't propose to amber he gives her a ring that symbolizes there officially boyfriend and girlfriend its a thing they used to do back in the 60s

Is it OK to give a solitaire ring for the engagement and give a ring guard or insert as the wedding ring?

Sure it is - women actually like rings sets such as that. check out the link attached:

Who plays Katie in The Ring?

The role of Katie in The Ring (2002) is played by Amber Tamblyn.

What is a basic summary of the opera The Valkyrie?

This is the second opera in Wagner's Ring cycle and the link below will give you a synopsis.

Is Amber Rose related to Wiz Khalifa?

Yes. Amber Rose is his fiancee. Wiz Khalifa posted a picture of the ring on his twitter page on March, 1, 2012.

When was Give Her a Ring created?

Give Her a Ring was created in 1934.

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These may be a little chessy.... Amber G! Full of Glee! Amber G___ Class President of (year). Has a nice ring, don't you think? Got Amber? A-M-B-E-R spells president!

Is amber heard married?

Not sure.... however she does wear a what looks like wedding ring on her ring finger and Tasya her gf wears what looks like an engagement ring on her wedding finger...

Did Justin Bieber give Selena Gomez a ring?

Yes, he gave her one on valentines day in 2012. See the related link.

Is amber tamblyn in the movie The Ring?

yes, she plays Katie (aiden's cousin) the girl who dies at the beginning

Is it all right to give my ring from my previous marriage to my boyfriend to sell for our marriage?

This sounds like a very inefficient arrangement, to give someone a ring to be used to get a different ring. You are free to re-use the ring if you so desire, it's your ring. Give your boyfriend the ring and he can give it back to you as a wedding ring, if that is what you want to do.

When was Give Me a Ring Sometime created?

Give Me a Ring Sometime was created on 1982-09-30.