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He joined the anti-MAD vs MAD-anti-nuclear war movement and owned more land than anyone in atomic city Vegas Nevada where he was alo the largest employer in the state.He went hippy generation anti-war like millions of Americans did and he helped to slow the atomic clock that was near midnight(CUBAN/RUSSIAN) missiles 200 miles offshore from America.He was labelled as crazy by pro-war Hollywood and pro-war government and his wealth was stripped away and he left the country.

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Q: Why did howard hughes grow his hair and beard?
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How do you grow hairs on beard?

The best way to grow more hair on your beard is to never shave.

What is Oliver Otis Howard's hair color?

I think his hair was white. He also had a white beard

How do you help beard hair grow in troubled areas?

If you have acne, it is an inflamed hair follicle. Clear up the acne first, and the beard should grow, if the follicle has not been damaged.

When a man lets the hair on his face grow he grows a?


I am 19 and I have thinish blonde hair in all areas of where my beard should be growing it is starting to turn dark and my cousin who is 20 has a full beard will I be able to grow a full beard soon?

most likely a full beard will grow in in a few more years. not every body gets a beard at such a young age as 20. be patient it will come. be happy you are still looking for hair to grow in as opposed to losing hair when older.

How do you grow hair in patchy beard?

Inject hamster DNA into your taint.

Will your armpit hair grow back if you shave it?

Yes, hair will grow back if shaved off. If it didn't, no one would have a beard or mustache.

Does your hair grow after your dead?

No , Your systems stop working when you die . your hair or beard may seem to grow after death, but that is because of shrinkage of the skin.

How can you do to grow a beard?

The only way to grow a beard is to stop shaving! There is no magic formula, special food, "skin-tonic", hair-fertiliser or anything, despite what some would have you believe.

What age is to late to grow a beard?

you'll generally start to see facial hair a couple of years after pubic hair starts to grow. Facial hair is "beard" from the start, but you may not have enough to grow "a beard" for a couple of years after facial hair starts to grow. Needing to shave at 14 or 15 is pretty common, but having enough hair look like an intentional beard is usually a couple of years after you start to need to shave. Not many men can grow a full-face beard at 15, but most--definitely not all-- can by 18 or 19. It's also pretty common for full-face beard to not be possible till early 20's.

Do men in India grow facial hair?

Yes eSpecially the beard

What is a beard moss?

A beard moss is any of a variety of lichens of the genus Usnea, which grow hanging from tree branches, and resemble grey or greenish hair.