That's really not for public debate. Whatever has occurred between them should remain private. ;)
In Harry Potter, the spell "Reducto" essentially breaks it. For example, in Order of the Phoenix, Parvati Patil reduces a table to ashes, while Harry uses it in GOF to break apart the hedges in the maze. It basically damages it, depending on the object you use it on.
I do not believe they will break up!
Depends if you hear it break or not
A drug overdose of cocaine and heroin. Actually if the question was how did river phoenix die, then the person above would have pretty much the right answer. But is you were talking about his charachter, I read that Chris Chamber, got stabbed and killed while trying to break up a fight in a fast food line. The "writer" says that at the end
'give me a break, give me a break, break me off a piece of that kit-kat bar, choclatley chewy, gotta make your day, every where we go we hear the people sing, HEY, give me a break, HEY, give me a break, break me off a piece of that, gotta have a piece of that, break me off a piece of that kit-kat bar.'
they need a break but they mite get back together
Strify clearly stated in an interview (in french) saying that Cinema Bizarre will no longer be together, due to the fact that they want to start a new beginning (solo). All the band members also agreed to depart from Cinema Bizarre as well.
After the break up of Cinema Bizarre, Kiro Cullen may focus on pursuing solo music projects, collaborating with other artists, or exploring different creative endeavors within the music industry. He could also take time to evaluate his goals and consider his next steps in his music career.
The phoenix scooter is better than a lucky because the deck wont break as much.
Phoenix downs are different in cc than other ff games when u go to cloads home town on top of the water tower there is a ball thing that gives you the phoenix rebirth limit break an if u perform the limit break u get a Phoenix down that saves u if u die in a fight
Technically they did break-up but in the offical letter they posted on all of their social networking pages they said that they were "ending" They said they are ending on good terms and they were all just ready for something different. Strify is now going by Jack Strify is in talks about a solo album, Shin who is now going by Mr. Hangover has mentioned going in the studio on his Twitter, Romeo has said on Twitter that him and Yu have started a new band and are working on demos, and Kiro is now going by his real name Carsten Shaefer and there is now news about what he is doing after the break-up.
no, well i think not me as a teenager overcoming marijuana can hasn't had that effect on me yet
Harry has to defeat the dark lord break into the department of mysteries to get his propecy but he breaks it. sorces:I read the book
Harry has to defeat the dark lord break into the department of mysteries to get his propecy but he breaks it. sorces:I read the book
If you're bored at the cinema, try to engage more with the movie by paying closer attention to details or analyzing the plot. You could also take a restroom break, get a snack, or check your phone quickly if needed. If all else fails, consider leaving the movie and exploring other entertainment options.
No not really get a SMALL yellow phoenix , i have it if you look it is number 1 in the top ten list u can find it at a nearby dillions or target, I advise not going to walmart, they break to easily, good luck!