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He didn't leave the Doors. He died.

True, except during the concert tour to promote one of his final albums, he was so strung out that he basically had a meltdown on stage in New Orleans.

The three other band members decided he was unfit to continue touring, so they cancelled all the other live tour dates. Plus, the prosecution following the Miami obsenity incident was weighing heavily upon Morrison.

As a result, and to get back to his roots, he decided to move to Paris and write more poetry...his first love. H published a small book of his works and passed them out to his friends before he left the country.

About three months later, Morrison either: 1) Injested too strong a mix of heroin,

2) suffered a brain hemorage, or

3) was murdered in his bath by persons unknown, in early July 1971.

It is unknown what he could have accomplished if he had remained straight and beat the rap in the Miami trial.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

they didnt... they finished a 2 years world tour for the album Death Magnetic, they are currently on vacation but have a couple of dates for this summer and should start recording some new material sometime in 2012

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βˆ™ 15y ago

The Doors stopped making music because the next two albums after Jim Morrison died were terrible and were not commercial successes.

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