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Sigourney Weaver's character of Ellen Ripley was forced to shave her head by the inhabitants of the planet she had crashed on because there was a supposed lice problem.


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Q: Why did Sigourney Weaver Shave her head for alien 3?
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Who is the head of avatar project in avatar?

The head of the Avatar program in Avatar is Dr. Grace Augustine, who was played by Sigourney Weaver.

Who was the first girl to shave her head?

It is not known who the first girl was to shave her head. Lots of people shave their heads for various reasons.

Are there any shavers especially recommended for men who shave their head?

There are specific shavers available for purchase for men who shave there head. The site Head Blade has many head shaving products specifically for men who shave there head.

Is it obligatory to shave your head after umrah?

It is not obligatory for everyone to shave their head after performing Umrah, but it is a recommended and highly encouraged act for men. After completing the rituals of Umrah, men have the option to either shave their head (called halk) or trim their hair (called qasar). Shaving the head is considered a sign of humility and is a Sunnah (a practice of the Prophet Muhammad), while trimming the hair is also permissible, though shaving is preferred. For women, it is not required to shave their heads. Instead, women are advised to cut a small portion of their hair, typically the length of a fingertip, as part of the ritual. So, while it's not obligatory, shaving the head is a highly recommended practice for men. To get more info about Umrah contact Superb Umrah

Did Christian Beadles shave his head?

no. he just told everyone on twitter that he did shave his head but he actually didn't. it was a joke.he didn't because if you go on twitter it says on his wall and other peoples saying that he did not shave his head.

What is fetish head shave?

It is when people are attracted to watching people shave their head. In other words they like people with who are bald.

Did lilwayne shave his head?

Not Yet. (:

What religion has you shave your head?


I am NOT going to shave my head so can I get rid of my cowlick?

Shave your head completely. If you're bald, you will not have to worry ever again about cowlicks :)

Did Sofia vassilieva have to shave her head in your sisters keeper?

She could have worn a wig like Cameron Diaz but she chose to shave her head.

Did Katie price shave her hair off her head?

No, Katie didn't shave her hair.

Is it mean to shave a girl's head?

Without consent, it is mean to shave anyone's anything.