i believe (not 100%) but i think she left the series to portray a roll in dynasty. if anyone does not agree with this i understand, i am just guessing. i know that the hardboys/Nancy Drew series was with dynasty or a spin off of it or something therefore i imagine she continued with dynasty just not as Nancy drew
Yes, sadly :( , he does. He also admitted to smoking pot once in a while on his myspace. ChristoFer Drew does smoke, but if you've ever listened to the song "Coffee and Cigarettes" you'd know that at the end he tells you he's trying to quit smoking.
Selena Gomez did not quit
your opponent said "I quit"
He quit in 2008. and Vinnie quit in 2005
batista quit alreadii in the wwe. right now its *June 9th 2010* and batista quit like about 5-9 weeks ago
In my opinion, the scariest is Shadow at the Waters Edge. Especially the old hidden bath. The music in ryokan is just so spooky that makes you want to quit the game and jump outta your chair...
I am sad to say this but yes he quit.
No, but she ordered a vegetarian menu to be available at the Capitol.
I dunno, I'm not good at math, and I didn't stalk him, quit asking me!
Really people grow up and get on with your lives. Quit accusing people who you do not know.
We stopped making many styles that where not moving well and that other vendors are making better than we could. This is one of those products.
IT'S SPELLED WITH AN F. Just thought I'd prove my point with "Caps Lock of Clarification." Christofer Drew does indeed smoke cigarettes and has admitted to smoking pot on his Myspace.com page. In his song "Coffee and Cigarettes" if you listen until the end, Chris says that he's trying to quit smoking.
The past participle of 'quit' is 'quit' or 'quitted.'
quit after me mabye
quit = aufhören quit = aufgeben
He stopped wearing eyeliner a few months before Dreavyn was born. I guess he just wanted to be a better role model for his little boy.
Kinderhook Academy was where he went to school. He quit at age 14 to work in a law office, which eventually led to his passing the bar exam and becoming a lawyer.