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They were never really romantically involved. They were really just good friends. Michael was in love with Brooke but she just loved him as a friend. Michael proposed to Brooke several times and all the times she said no. They were still friends they just hadn't been in contact for very long time which is why Brooke was so devastated when he died.

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Q: Why did Michael Jackson and brooke shields break up?
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Why did Michael Jackson break-up with tatiana?

They never dated.

Did Paris Jackson has a heart necklace which she broke in the middle the day Michael Jackson passed away and she gave the half heart in Michael's hand?

yes, but she didn't break the heart in half. it's one of those necklaces that comes in two parts, she has one half and Michael has the other.

Who originally started moonwalk?

Bill Baley in (1955) invented the moonwalk. Michael Jackson got the moonwalk from soul train. I think in 1981 on Soul Train, there were guest performers, and they did the moonwalk. Michael thought it was a awesome dance and he wanted to learn it.

Did Michael Jackson ever break a bone?

Yes Michael Jackson did indeed break some bones (no surprise since he LOVED to dance)He broke his nose while he tripped on stage back in 1981 while he was preformingHe also sprained his ankle that is why he had to sit down on all his performances liveif you want to view for your self you can even go to type into the search bar Michael Jackson "Remember The Time" live and then you will see that he had to sit down during his performances.I am not sure if you can find him with his broken nose though but the sprained ankle definitely.

What happened on bold and beautiful today?

Well i think hope is forceing liam to divorce steffy an brooke an her family love wat hope is doing just to make liam married to hope an it becomes a laughter on steffy an all so why people cant remember that brooke is a mother for hope an she support her to break up liams marrige brooke MASH up taylor an ridge an be with her husband father her daugther husband an now matching up steffy life if liam leave hes going to be sorry as hell cause the logans are a user an a slut brooke needs to gives the young ones a break an make them strive an i can see that pure ridge is tired of the foolishness

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Micheal Jackson himself

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Novemebr 2009.

Does break of dawn by Michael Jackson have a music video?

No it does not.

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Did Michael Jackson break away from the Jackson 5?

Yes, he did many years ago.

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Why did Michael Jackson break-up with tatiana?

They never dated.

When did Michael Jackson break up the Jackson five?

When he started being mature and older he wanted to go solo

What was Michael Jackson's big break?

It was I Want You Back with the Jackson 5. And his Off The Wall album as a solo artist

How long did Michael Jackson take a break from singing?

He never took a break from singing, he continued to release albums. He did take a break from touring for 12 years.

When did Michael Jackson write break of dawn?

In the Invincible era around 2001. It is track #4 on the album.