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Lily may have liked snape more than James because he was more quiet and probably was a good listener.

Lily choose James because snape decied to go to the dark side and that was against every thing she believed in. He was also popuar and a very good wisard just like herself. Also he loved her very much and ended up marrieing each other and having a son.

Before lily and James died snape was back on the good side and confessed to dumbuldoor that valdamort was after harry, lily, and James. Becase it was he who was in the profassy. To keep lily safe and unharmed. So dumbledoor hid them. Though pettygrewin blabed and told valdamort where they were hiding. valdamort went after the potters and killed James first. Then he went to where lily was and did the killing curse on her. But when he did the killing curse it back fired on valdamort and almost killed himself. harry was fine and he survived because lily sacrificed herself so harry could live baecause he was her only child.

In the end snape was mad at valdamort for killing lily because he loved her. He doesn't like harry because he has a resembleince of his father witch makes him mad. But also he has a resemblence of lily witch makes him sad so he saves harry because of lily.

That is why Lily potter likes James more than snape. And why snape doesn't like James, also why harry didn't die when valdamort did the killing curse on harry.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 7y ago

Severus Snape grew up in a bad environment. His parents fought all the time and his father hated the magical part of him. At Hogwarts, Snape was bullied constantly. Lily Potter was kind to him, she was his first (and for a long time only) friend. They knew each other for many years and Snape eventually developed romantic feelings for her. These feelings were not reciprocated, but Snape did not move on after Lily's death and continued to love her until his own death.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Lily and James got married because they loved one another.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Lily hated Snape because Snape called her a Mudblood.

And because Snape chose the Dark Side: he sought for friendship of wanna-be Death Eaters like Mulciber and Lucius Malfoy.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Because Snape cancelled their friendship in their fifth year.

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