He did it because Paul isn't exactly the name a 22 year old in the 21st century would want to have, now is it.
Kevin Jonas birth name is paul Kevin Jonas IIKevin Jonas birth name is paul Kevin Jonas II
His middle name IS Kevin, his real name is Paul Kevin Jonas Jr. named after his father, [Paul Kevin Jonas Sr.]. =]
Kevin Jonas is the oldest Jonas Brothers He is also married and is kind of unattractive. And really wild.
His name isn't sir Kevin Jonas. It is Kevin Jonas SR.. It is senior because his son Kevin Jonas II is named after him. his son becomes Kevin Jonas II or JR . That makes him Kevin Jonas SR (senior).
Nicholas Jerry Jonas Paul Kevin Jonas ll Joseph Adam Jonas ♫
Kevin Jonas middle name is Kevin his real name is Paul Kevin Jonas II but he goes by his middle name.
Kevin's real name is Paul. So it's Paul Kevin Jonas, he just goes by Kevin, which IS his middle name.
Kevin Jonas birth name is paul Kevin Jonas IIKevin Jonas birth name is paul Kevin Jonas II
Kevin. His real first name is Paul
I'm not sure of his middle name but his first and last are Kevin Jonas. Revised: Actually his name is Paul Kevin Jonas I. His sons are Paul Kevin Jonas II, Joseph Adam Jonas, and Nicholas Jerry Jonas, and Frankie Nathaniel Jonas and their mom is Denise Marie Jonas.
Kevin Jonas's full name is Paul Kevin Jonas. Kevin Jonas is only an on-air nickname. Kevin likes to go by his middle name mostly because he doesn't want people to get him mixed up with his father.
His full name is Paul Kevin Jonas sr. so his middle name i actually Kevin. Same with Kevin Jonas (in jb) his full name is Paul Kevin Jonas 2 so his middle name is acually Kevin too!! hope this helps
His middle name IS Kevin, his real name is Paul Kevin Jonas Jr. named after his father, [Paul Kevin Jonas Sr.]. =]
His full name is Kevin Paul Jonas the second
Joe-Adam, Nick-Jerry, Kevin-Kevin. (lol) Kevin's first name is Paul, but he wants everyone to call him Kevin, which is his middle name.
Yes. The Jonas Brothers' father is named Paul, and Kevin's first name is Paul. "Kevin" is actually Paul's (the Kevin Paul) middle name. Confusing, huh?
Frankie Jonas's middle name is Nathaniel but if you wanted to know the other 3 brothers middle names they are... Kevin: Kevin (his first name is paul) --> Paul Kevin Jonas II Joe: Adam --> Joseph Adam Jonas Nick: Jerry --> Nicholas Jerry Jonas Frankie: Nathaniel --> Franklin Nathaniel Jonas