Kane killed Able because he thought Able was perfect and he thought he was a fool. So he killed Able out of jealously.
Kevin Nash wasn't the masked Kane. but in WCW Kane was diesel
Theyre parents died in a house fire when Kane & The Undertaker were kids: Kane found a box of matches and he started playing with it and the undertaker blames himself because he says he shouldve known better than letting Kane playing with the box of matches They also found oil, which helped cause the fire. i dont think they really did Its not real its part of the storyline between undertaker and kane's relationship
No his father is dead.
Because Kane tried to kill him.
no hopefully
no kane did
yes he has
no the Undertaker and Kane are not even real bros its just for WWE
first u spell it Kane not cane second wat r u talking about Kane is his brother he didnt kill anyone
They were friends but now that Iggy knows that Killer Kane can kill people he is scared of him