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i have know idea but maybe things didnt quit get along between them. Some relationships dont really last long.

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Q: Why did JB and Selena break up for good?
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Is jb and Selena Gomez going to berak up today?

No... They did not break up.

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they have alr broke up ,because Selena told Jb not to hang out with the bad guys which are Jb's friends but JB did not listen to her so Selena broke up with Justin

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No. -.-

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No because on the Video Music Awards Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez kissed on tv.

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they were but they broke up due to trust issues

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They did not break up.

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yes....i hope!!! but they have a good relationship

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Yes he broke up with her.

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No, they did not break up

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Selena is a really good person i don't now the hell nick breack up with her for meily she is so ugly

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No, because Selena and Demi are still really good friend. Also, Miley is still good friends with Selena and Demi as well. So i doubt that Miley would do that!