I believe it was something to do with Ibiki going on a really dangerous mission and maybe he was there too ? ~
No (:
which beatle was thought to be dead and replaced by a look-alike?That would be Paul.Sir James Paul McCartneySir James Paul McCartney
igo to japan, ifight shelby marx, idate a bad boy, isaved your life
Yes, Ibiki Morino & Idate Morino are brothers.
No (:
wat cheat idate EC ANd LVl
wat cheat idate EC ANd LVl
theres no cheat in idate ! haha xD
IDate a Bad Boy was created on 2009-05-09.
There is a very high success rate of people that use the website iDate. The success rate of the people who use the website called iDate is almost eighty percent.
The cast of iDate Christ - 2011 includes: Sean Bradford as Timothy Daniels
BOgoon Ka
Yes ^^ and he is also the Head of the ANBU Interrogation Unit <:
sometime this Saturday