they live (if you get what I mean) on the same way they did
they continue being house ghosts
I think he means how did they die. The Bloody Baron killed the Grey Lady, and then was killed himself. Nearly Headless Nick died from execution. The Fat Friar ran away from her mother, Helena Hufflepuff, and died in the woods.
Harry Potter can see ghosts because in the wizarding world, ghosts are real and visible to all.
Yes, ghosts do appear on the Marauder's Map.
In Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban the Weasleys go to Egypt after winning money from a lotto.
Harry Potter 1, Harry Potter 2, Harry Potter 3, Harry Potter 4, Harry Potter 5, Harry Potter 6, Harry Potter 7, Harry Potter 8.
There is no character in Harry Potter with the initials TS. There is a Sybil Trelawney initials ST. She was a professor who prompted Lord Voldemort to go after Potter.
No, there are no real ghosts like in "Harry Potter." But hey, I could be wrong... I have never seen one!!!
For a short time, as ghosts.
Yes, ghosts do appear on the Marauder's Map.
Their ghosts
You should go to Harry Potter World if you like Harry Potter!
He does not.
Go to seargh and type in Harry Potter.
you go on itunes and go under movies and type in harry potter
Just as ghosts for a very short time.
They are not ghosts per say but they are more like imprints of the person but they can not do everything a human can do. SPOILERS BELOW The people that you see are Lupin, Sirius, Lily (Harry's mum) and James (Harry's dad)