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She said right after she deleted Caroline.

'The best solution is usually the easiest one.'

GLaDOS is a sociopath. Caroline is emotion. Sociopaths have no emotion. Isn't it true emotion gets in the way of everyday things? Sociopaths have no emotional restrictions. If it wasn't for the law, a sociopath could do anything they wanted to. They could kill, lie, steal, cheat, anything and not even have their blood pressure raise the slightest bit. Sorry for that psychology crap, but the truth is- having no emotions makes you more fit for survival.

EDIT: GLaDOS dident delete caroline The song Cari mia before the credits was sung by GLaDOS through the turrets if you look at a translation of the song(its sung in spanish) you can see that GLaDOS still has emotions for chell

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Q: Why did GlaDOS delete Caroline?
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Because they are stupid,she has long hair since Caroline was stuffed inside GLaDOS.

Are GLADOS and Caroline the same?

When Cave Johnson died, he left Caroline in control. Before he died, he said you should be able to put a man's intelligence to into a computer, since you can already put data into one. Once Caroline died, you can assume that she's been stored onto a computer. This computer is called GLaDOS. (Genetic Life-form and Disc Operating System)

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Since Cave Johnson was dying of fatal poisoning from moon rocks, he wanted his engineers to plug his intelligence into some type of "computer". However, he also requested that if he dies before his engineers could do so, Caroline's intelligence would be put into said computer. He died and Caroline was put into GLaDOS. Caroline being Chell's mom is unknown. No one knows who her parents are. Yet there are theories that Caroline is her mom.

When was GLaDOS created?

GLaDOS was created in 2007.

How was glados made?

The scientists created her. She was based on a human lifeform by the name of Caroline, Cave Johnson's (CEO of Aperture Laboratories) assistant. (Lots and LOTS of code is involved as well)

Is GLaDOS still alive?

Yes,at the end the machine pulling you and the arm stoping the candlelight at the end is GLaDOS

Who was Cave Johnson to Aperture Laboritories?

Cave Johnson was the founder and CEO of Aperture Laboratories until his death from moon rock poisoning in the 1980s some time before GLaDOS was installed. By the end of his life Johnson was losing his sanity and his company was bankrupt. It is rumored that Chell is the daughter of Cave and his assistant, Caroline, whose mind later became GLaDOS.

In the game Portal what does GLaDOS stand for?

In Portal(2) GLaDOS stands for the Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System.

Who is GLaDOS?

GLaDOS stands for.......(Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System) GLaDOS is the sentient computer system that manages Aperture Laboratories is Portal. She is the antagonist throughout Portal 1 and the first part of Portal 2.

Why did chell give her soul to GLados?

Because GLaDOS said she would possess her if she didn't make a deal!

Who created GLaDOS?

The Aperture scientists.

Is GLaDOs a human?

no she is a robot with lots of eyeballs she is often sarcastic and she sings the song still alive (you have to listen to that song it is a catchy song (the last still alive words at the end is the best part) oh and she promises cake at the end but she never gives it to you. However, it is later revealed that GLaDOS,or at least part of her, was Cave Johnson's secretary at Aperture Science, named Caroline, who was uploaded to the main computer.