yes he makes an attempt to kill himself when he thinks that Bella is dead. he goes to the volturi and tries to reveal imslelf in the sunlight if front of tourist who would see is shining skin.
His sister Alice has the ability to see the future. She saw a vision of when Bella jumped off the cliff, but she didnt see her getting out because Jacob, who is a werewolf and Alice cant see them, was the one who pulled Bella out. So Alice quickly went to Forks with just telling Rosalie. But then Rosalie contacted Edward - who was in South America at that time - to tell him that Bella is dead. Edward believed it. He didn't to live in a world where she doesn't exist so he went to the Volturi asking to be killed.
Edward was going to kill himself because Bella had gone and jumped off a cliff because she knew that she would hear Edwards voice if she did. Alice had a vision of Bella jumping and dying and told Rosalie and Rosalie told Edward that Bella had jumped off a cliff and died.....So Edward was so madly in love with Bella that thinking she was dead went to Volturi to kill himself because he couldn't live without Bella
No Edward Scissorhands Did Not Die.
cos he was stupid and he wanted to be the king but edward first had to die so that the guy could be a king after him.
No. Edward does not die
Yes, Edward did want Bella to get an 'abortion' in sorts, the baby was too strong for her, and he did not want her to die. There are of course hints in the book Breaking Dawn that proves this, he keeps saying things like "we will get that thing out of you".
Edward was about to die from the Spanish Influenza.
Edward Were died in 1915.
edward doesnt die in new moon because Bella reaches him in time with the help of his sister Alice Cullen. the volturi don't want to kill him without reason because of his special gift.
Edward died on 1558
die in a war
Edward A. Burke died in 1928.
Edward Elwes died in 1930.
Edward Tolfree died in 1966.