because he got captured by joker and get hypnotized with some kind of putty.
What you have to do is walk past the suits and then go until you see a green TV and lever. Then you pull the lever and your Riddler and Clayface!
Who is the least scariest villain
No, Jason is the villain in the Friday the 13th movies. Michael Myers is the villain in the Halloween movies.
The villain in the movie Aristocats is Edgar the wicked butler.
The Mudpack Basil Karlo- Clayface I Matt Hagen- Clayface II Preston Payne- Clayface III Sondra Fuller- Clayface IV, Lady Clay Cassius Payne- Clayface V, son of Clayface III and Clayface IV Dr. Peter Malley- Clayface VI, Claything Todd Russell- Clayface VII Johnny Williams- Clayface VIII
Clayface was created in 1987.
the second power brick is in the Icy Redemption where you have to first unlock a strong villain like Clayface or Mr. Freeze
What you have to do is walk past the suits and then go until you see a green TV and lever. Then you pull the lever and your Riddler and Clayface!
Clayface would win. There's only 1 way Goliath could win. He can cut Clayface's neck off of him. Clayface can transform into anything he wants but Goliath is quick. When I said that Clayface will win, I meant if Goliath never fought him. Clayface could slam Goliath down to the floor. Since Clayface can transform, Clayface will win it. Goliath could only cut Clayface apart. Clayface could barf on Goliath. Clayface could crush Goliath. Even though Goliath still fights, Clayface wins. If Goliath won, it would be an EMBARASSING memory. End of story and fight.
Batman defeated Clayface multiple times in the comics, and Clayface is NOOO challenge against Batman.
Clayface is stronger but batman usually has a lot of gadgets that can beat Clayface so that is why batman always wins.
Clayface can Kill Batman But not Eat him Batman can eat him.
I Really Don't know Clayface may win if he was strong enough to kill killer croc Or killer croc may hit him so hard he may Kill Clayface.
Yes. If they fight, Superman wins. Same in death battle. Clayface always plans on hurting Batman.
Clayface is disguised as Gordon in the area where you first use the sonar thing to open electrified gates.