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Chris' character, Jake, died in the series. In reality, Chris was scheduled on another show in Canada and couldn't keep up two shows at once.

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Q: Why did Chris Potter leave the good witch series?
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Why did chris potter leave the good witch?

To do another show

Was there a witch by the name of lilly?

In the Harry Potter fictional book series, Harry Potter's (the fictional main character) mother was called Lily Potter (nee Lily Evans). She died saving Harry from Lord Voldemort when he was one year old. She was a witch, and Harry is a wizard. The whole book series is based on the existence of wizards and witches. Humans who do not posses magical abilities (who are not witches or wizards) are called 'Muggles'.

Was Harry Potter's mother lily a muggle or a witch?

She was a muggle-born witch.

Who is the Half Blood Prince in Harry Potter?

The Half Blood Prince in the Harry Potter book series is Professor Severus Snape. Snapes father was a muggle and his mother was a witch whose last name was Prince.

Will there be a witch and wizard movie?

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In Harry Potter which witch is which?

Well, if you read/watch the book/movie, you will get the general idea of which witch is who.

Who is the strongest witch in Harry Potter?

volder wort

Is the emerald witch Jadis?

No, the character you are referring to is the White Witch Jadis from "The Chronicles of Narnia" series by C.S. Lewis. There is no emerald witch in that series.

Which Witch and Wizard book is first in the series?

Witch and Wizard

Who J.K. Rowling?

JK Rowling is a very famous author who writes "The Harry Potter" series of books The Harry Potter series is VERY popular and is About a Boy named ironically Harry Potter and he finds out he is a wizard and he goes to Hogwarts school of Witch craft and wizardry and from then on he is in danger all the time and goes on lots of adventures and they are just generally very good books Jk Rowling has also written a variety of other books but she is most famous for the Harry potter series. Hope this helps Cherry988 x

Witch is the last Diary of a Wimpy Kid?

There is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows which is the seventh book starring Harry Potter but now there is Harry Potter and the Cursed Child which is a playscript and is starring Harry Potter's third son, Albus.

What people wont like to read the book Harry Potter and why?

Many religious Christians or people who believe in black magic and it being bad do not like the Harry Potter series as it is based on witch craft and is thought of to be satanic and sinful to read/learn about stuff to do with it