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because it is not really.

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Q: Why cant you sing up from wipe out?
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How do you sing up for a contest on meez?

well u can sing at meez but u cant listen it:( how do u sing? say*rap* i hope its helpful

Why you cant sing up to MSN Messenger?

si rregjistrohech ne msn?

Who sings the song with the lyrics i cant sing but i can sing for your heart?

you cant sing so whats the point in trying? ~ that's the actual name of the people who try to sing that song ~

Can you sing with Selena Gomez?

AM not sure if u can sing with her, but u cant i think this is my opinion not a fact. u can sing with her in case Disney channel set up a competitions i think hope i helped

Can you give an example of a sentence using the word sing?

i cant sing

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NO they cant

How can you sing in the falsetto register?

You cant!

Why did Taylor Swift become famous if she cant sing?

Because she can sing, how else?!

Hi Justin will you come sing for my family?

no i cant go sing for your family

What do you say to your dad when he leaves your mum?

sing a song to him like: mum cant do this alone or make up your own!

I weigh less than a feather but you cant pick me up i can dance but i can't sing with out you i am nothing?

Your shadow of course.

Why cant I sing well in the morning?

I'm guessing it is probably dry from not having anything to drink (like water!) after sleeping all night. My suggestion is to drink some water when you first wake up in the morning