From what I've searched and seen it doesn't come naturally it has to be taught to someone. Some learn easier than others. Its like raising one eyebrow i cannot do that but i can wink with both eyes. Some others think you get it from your family see if your mother or father can wink.
Anouska Wink was born on May 28, 1973.
they all like each other... nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
Harry thinks it might make it "fun". (hint hint, wink wink)
of course you can some people cant because they don't have the reflex. i can do it.
There is always time to see what you wink. ....or the right things will come when you need it. ............."......"....."....."....."....."............',,,,,,'......."""""""""""@'mmmmmmmmmm,.?,.,,chjufdcbjhdfgvjlydfhcuygvfwjhbjhbdfchhjkhufrehkuhnkuefunkujkkjuQkjojijio. F"Ck ÿöü Cheek
bird cant wink and it didnt they can sleep whith eyes close but they cant blink so yea
because it's very rude.
the "government" *wink wink
save your money then when your parents say u can go shaopping u have more money an more to buy *wink *wink
There are many people searches on the net, some are free and some have a minimal cost. You can try the White Pages, People Search, Peek You, Wink., and Spokeo.
some people cant dance because they had never been taught how to. some people try and try but they cant get it
By saying Wink Wink :D
The person you are trying to nudge or wink may have the older version of MSN
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